Taken from someone, I'll look it up and give them credit later
Are you afraid of:
[sorta] The dark
[x] Staying single forever
[x] Being a parent
[x] Giving birth
[x] Being myself in front of others
[ ] Open spaces
[sorta] Closed spaces
[x] Heights
[ ] Dogs
[ ] Birds
[ ] Fish
[ ] Spiders (I LOVE spiders :D )
[ ] Flowers or other plants
[ ] Being touched
[x] Fire (But I also like watching it, so go figure)
[x] Deep water
[ ] Snakes
[ ] Silk
[ ] The ocean
[ ] Failure
[ ] Success
[ ] Thunder/Lightning (I love storms, so no)
[ ] Frogs/Toads
[ ] Girlfriends/Boyfriend's Dad (pffft I only wish I could be)
[ ] Girlfriends/Boyfriend's Mo...