eunicekosuke's avatar


Addicted to Kingdom Hearts.
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Deviation Spotlight

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (23)
My Bio

IHeartcanines. Thats why I made that picture. Do you? :) (Smile)
Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart
:iconpervytowelieplz::iconbummy1: :icondummyplz: :iconbummy2: :iconlaplz: :iconbummy3: :iconpervytowelieplz:
:iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz:
:iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz:
:iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz:
:iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz:
:iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz:
:iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz:
:iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz: :iconfavplz:
Lucky 7. Or 49?
:iconpervytsunaplz: :iconpervygokuderaplz: :iconpervyyamamotoplz: :iconpervymukuroplz: :iconpervyhibariplz: :iconpervyryoheiplz: :iconpervychromeplz:
:iconpervytowelieplz::iconbummy1: :icondummyplz: :iconbummy2: :iconlaplz: :iconbummy3: :iconpervytowelieplz:
Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart
:iconohmaiplz: :iconjustyouplz: :iconphailplz: :iconbcuzplz: :iconusuckplz:
Aww, really?
Is that all you got???
Living in Pahang, Malaysia. I'm a 13 year old blogger! And I'm proud to be oneHeart
:iconschoolplz: :iconsucksplz: but Heart dogs^^

Current Residence: Pahang, Malaysia
Favourite genre of music: Pop, J-Pop, Rock n' Roll, Hard Rock, Electro Music (I hate classic, but I only like some of the
Favourite style of art: Gothic Punk
MP3 player of choice: I-POD
Favourite cartoon character: Gokudera Hayato
Personal Quote: What the heck?! OMIGOD!! not my business. it's all. your. fault.

Favourite Visual Artist
LM.C (especially Aiji)
Favourite Movies
2012, The Twilight Saga, Clash of the Titans.....ETC.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
LM.C n' The Kings of Leon
Favourite Writers
Stephenie Meyer
Favourite Games
Wii Katekyo Hitman Reborn (but I haven't bought the game yet)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo WII
Tools of the Trade
G-pen, Marker
Other Interests
Reading, Drawing, Playing, Day-dreamin'....ETC.

Pray for them.

0 min read
The earthquake/ tsunami at Japan was very scary! I couldn't even sleep at night. :/ But luckily, my :iconfavplz: mangaka AMANO AKIRA IS SAFE!!!I was like "OH YEAH" as if I  won a million ringgit:D I mean, the manga (KHR) can continue! (YES!!! *Jumping all over the place*) Hope the 10th generation guardians can defeat Enma and of course, save Ryohei from the jail of Vindace's (dunno is that possible:O)!!!Now all I can say is "PRAY FOR JAPAN & THE WORLD" and blah blah blah. Wait. Do I have to go to a temple when I say this?(o0o)/
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Very sorry that I'm not active for over a month. Those who read my blog should have known what happened~~I'm 13 now, that means I have to go to junior high school! At first I was very excited, but now... *ARGH...*1. Noisy seniors- Even in class, if they figured out a 'connection way" with the other class, that's HUGE trouble for the teacher... (tough luck!) 2. Very X3 Dirty!!! (Compared to my elementary school)Or should I say X10 times dirty? 3. Squeaky voice teachers (?)Are those my problems? I think no... Anyway, I starting a series of drawings about school life. But Chinese New Year is next week, so I'm hurrying a drawing for it now:)P/...
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So the holidays had just begun. I was surprised that nobody, (I mean it!) even CRIED at the last day of school!! Mum said that we are her so-called "feeling-less living things". Its not my fault I'm not crying.Anyway! Does anyone knows where to find online YamaGoku doujinshi?? 'w' I need it! -/////- I found some Katekyo Hitman Reborn cosplay photo here---> Enjoy!:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :iconpervytowelieplz: :iconbummy1: :icondummyplz: :iconbummy2: :iconlaplz: :iconbummy3: :iconpervytowelieplz: :heart: :ico...
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kuromizuma's avatar
Thanks for the fav. Glad you liked it! :D :D :D
Theelfinartist's avatar
Thank you very much for the :+fav: and :+devwatch:~
eunicekosuke's avatar
:iconwelcomeplz:! cause I :heart: your cosplay!!!
Lorthide's avatar
Thank you for the faves!
eunicekosuke's avatar
shinnoya's avatar
Thanks for the fav!!:glomp: