Systems Alliance York class cruiser OverviewEuderion on DeviantArt

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Systems Alliance York class cruiser Overview



Overview Card for the Mass Effect 3 Cruiser, the York class.

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In 2180, when the first York class cruiser enters active service in the fleet, it was the new backbone of the Earth Systems Alliance. The York was the first capital ship class that was built after the contact with alien life forms and implemented the knowledge from the first contact war and the know-how from their new Council allies.
In 2183, after the heavy losses in the Citadel battle against the Geth Armada and the Reaper Sovereign the Systems Alliance degrade her former major cruiser, the Berlin class to a light cruiser and started mass production of the York class. Over hundred brand new York ships were constructed til 2185 and served in the Reaper War.

The York class are middle-weight combatants, faster than dreadnoughts, and much more heavily-armed than frigates. The Cruisers are the standard patrol unit, and often lead frigate flotillas. They are the standard combat unit encountered away from large naval bases, the "poor bloody infantry" of most fleets.
Alliance ship types have specific naming conventions. All System Alliance cruisers are named after cities on Earth and the York class was named after a historic city in England.


Commissioning: 2180
Class: York
Type: Cruiser
Length: 707 meters
Height: 121 meters (with antennas)
Width: 190 meters
Crew: 400 + 120 Marines


- Primary:
               - One 480 meter long spinal Mass Accelerator Gun,
               - 1 heavy Javelin Torpedo launcher,
               - two belly mounted Missile Launcher

- Secundary:
               - 68 Medium Mass Accelerator Broadside Guns (80 meters long, 34 each side)
               - 8 Light Mass Accelerator Broadside Guns (40 meters long, 4 each side)

- Tertiary:
               -10 Broadside Ship to Ship Missile Launchers,
               -2 Twin Medium Point Defense MAC Autocannons (1 front, 1 aft, Main Gun & Shuttlebay Defense)
               -20 Light Point Defense MAC Autocannons


- GARDIAN Defense: GARDIAN Laser Node Network (74 lenses),
2 Anti-Fighter Missile Pod Launcher
- Ablative Armor (1,5 meter Titanium hull + 0,4 meter shock absorbing foam)
- Kinetic Barrier Shields


- 120 Marines (15 Teams a 8 Soldiers)
- 15 ELINT (
ELectronic INTelligence) reconnaissance drones
- 8 Trident Mk2 Fighter
- 4 Trishul Interceptor
- 2 Bumblebee Bomber
- 3 Kodiak Shuttles

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Model rendered in 3d Max 10
Post Work in Paint Shop Pro 7
Mass Effect is (c) by Bioware & EA

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