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A Salarian Tava'ruvion class Heavy Cruiser escorted by two frigates.
The Salarian fleet is not so numerous as the Turian or Human fleets, because they put more on quality than on quantity. One salarian cruiser is about as good as three Turian cruiser.
Salarian dedication to adopting bleeding-edge technology is demonstrated by their ships' costly armament. Warships are equipped with the latest GARDIAN defense systems and utilize ultraviolet antiship lasers, which are more expensive and energy demanding than standard infrared lasers, but more effective. Even salarian scouting flotillas are armed with hull-mounted Thanix cannons.
Salarian dedication to adopting bleeding-edge technology is demonstrated by their ships' costly armament. Warships are equipped with the latest GARDIAN defense systems and utilize ultraviolet antiship lasers, which are more expensive and energy demanding than standard infrared lasers, but more effective. Even salarian scouting flotillas are armed with hull-mounted Thanix cannons.
Tava'ruvion class Overview
While the other great powers proudly present Dreadnoughts after Dreadnought, one bigger than the other, the Salarian Union rather spend their resources and energy in a bleeding edge new Heavy Cruiser. With 630 meters length the Tava'ruvion class is compared to other ships in the cruiser size area a rather smaller vessel, but can easily hold its own against larger opponents. Some say, even against Dreadnoughts.
Armed with a twin Thanix Main Gun, and a couple smaller particle accelerators as main guns the ship is also equipped with a 360° range of ultraviolet GARDIAN Defense Laser and SWORD Attack Lasers. With the increased occurrence of fast unmanned drones these lasers were equipped with multi-target sensor systems and VI's.
The Tava'ruvion is packed with a heavy armor which is a little at the expense of agility. So its usually paired with a couple frigates as escorts.
Rendered in 3d Max 10
No Post Work
Mass Effect is (c) by Bioware & EA
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