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Today marks the 22nd anniversary of the real-life founding of the USS Euderion. Shortly after New Years Eve on January 03, 2003, a small group of Trekkies met in a small Indian restaurant in Berlin and developed the idea for the USS Euderion, our future vessel on which our adventures would take place. The foundations for what is now known as "Euderion Infinity" were laid.

Initially, our universe grew through fan fiction that was published every month at our Trek dinner. In 2008, we took the first step towards fan films. At the end of 2015, the group underwent an internal reorientation. Also due to the new fan film guidelines from CBS/Paramount, "Star Trek Euderion" finally became the "Euderion Infinity" you know today.

Our USS Euderion has remained loyal to us to this day, even if it will probably be getting a facelift in the next episodes. Then hopefully she will finally get her Slipstream refit.

Rendered in 3d Max 10

Post Work in Paint Shop Pro 7

Akira class model by Marc Bell

Insignia class by Mark Kingsnorth @MarkKingsnorth

Drydock by David Metlesits @thefirstfleet

Work Bees by Thomas Raube (me)

More Akira images:

Akira Refit USS Euderion
Dance with the Asteroids
Ready to Go
The Carrier - Akira class
16 Years Euderion
Doomsday is cancelled
Image size
4400x2400px 1.23 MB
© 2025 Euderion
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leoshades's avatar

I am curious, how did your crew decide on which starship class to go with for the Euderion? Did you all miraculously agree? (There was more than three of you, so I don't see that happening.) Roll dice; rock, paper, scissors; the only person that could 3d model insisted; someone blackmailed the rest of the crew; dueled with wet noodles; or something else entirely?

I suspect the answer is detailed somewhere, but I'm... basically too lazy to search for it. So feel free to ignore me if you've answered this several dozen times already.