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A Quarian Destroyer type vessel with a small fighter escort.
The ship design based on one of the Concept for Quarian ships from the "Art of Mass Effect" Book. I orientated on the overall form of the concept, but I have me allowed some liberties to add more details like wings, weapons and other engines, because the side view of the concept sketch was very limited in terms of details.
The nomadic Quarians wander through the galaxy in the massive Migrant Fleet, also known as the Flotilla. The Migrant Fleet consists of roughly fifty thousand ships that house seventeen million quarians in total, constituting the single largest fleet in the galaxy. However, most of these ships have little or no armament. They do, however, possess enough combat ships to ward off pirates or mercenaries who would want to prey upon the fleet. The Destroyer type vessel is such a ship.
The Destroyer type is around 300 meters long with the same ring size as a quarian Frigate/Envoy ship, but with more than double the weapon power. This makes the Destroyers weapons output closer to an Cruiser, but with the maneuverability of an frigate.
Ships of these types operate usually in cooperations with multiple smaller ships like frigates, corvettes or fighters which can screen the area around the destroyer and send gathered informations back. In major fleet battles, Destroyers were typically guarded by heavier cruisers, because Destroyers are only light armored.
The Destroyer type is a dedicated warship and part of the Heavy Fleet commanded by Admiral Han'Gerrel vas Neema.
Rendered in 3d Max 10
Post Work in Paint Shop Pro 7
Spacescape Background Stock by GrahamTG available here: Stock Gas Giant
Mass Effect is (c) by Bioware & EA
Like it? Watch more of the Destroyer and my other Quarian Concept ships:
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