Lead by the Heavy CruiserEuderion on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/euderion/art/Lead-by-the-Heavy-Cruiser-918421605Euderion

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Lead by the Heavy Cruiser

Location  SPACE


Class leader SSV Kyiv, a Systems Alliance Heavy Cruiser lead a small group of York class fleet cruisers and Razor class destroyers.


Shortly before the start of the Reaper War in 2186, the Systems Alliance commissioned their latest cruiser type, the Kyiv class. Categorized as a heavy cruiser, the Kyiv was initially intended to support the older cruiser types of the Berlin and York class, and eventually to replace them.
The Berlin class, currently the oldest cruiser class in active service, was demoted to light cruisers with the commissioning of the more modern York class, while the York became the new backbone of the fleet. This is to be done in a similar way with the York and Kyiv classes. The Berlin class is to be gradually phased out, while the York now assumes their role as light cruisers. The Kyiv is then envisaged as the new backbone of the fleet.

At the time of Kyiv's commissioning, she was considered a heavy cruiser, meaning she had armor and armament closer to Dreadnoughts. In addition, she had a drive that could keep up with other cruisers and was faster than typical dreadnoughts due to the lower mass. The Kyiv is a direct evolution of the Siracusa class artillery cruiser and swapped some of the main armament for better propulsion and armor.

Heavy Cruisers are extremely flexible. They can play defensive roles, protecting sensitive ships within the taskforce, and providing suppression fire for smaller craft. In offensive roles, heavy cruisers possess the armament to engage larger enemy combat ships such as Dreadnoughts or Artillery ships, and the speed to make up for their lighter armor and shielding. During peacetime, the heavy cruiser's flexibility could come in handy with fulfilling various missions and being const effective. Heavy cruisers could be re-tasked and serviced as a medium range explorer, frontier patrol vessel, escort, pirate suppressor, and emergency aid vessel during colonial disasters. Even as an armed science ship if needed.

In addition to her status as a heavy cruiser, Kyiv is designed as a light carrier ship. She has two fly trough hangar decks that run the length of the ship. In theory, if all hangar doors and internal bulkheads are open, fighters and shuttlecraft can fly through the entire ship once. The Kyiv class can accommodate up to 60 escort vehicles when used optimally. Of course, the hangar can also be used as additional cargo space to carry a larger contingent of troops and their accompanying equipment, or huge stores of supplies. This allows ship captains to change the ship configuration to fit different missions. One Kyiv class ship may carry a company full of troops plus shuttles/gunships on a pirate suppression operation while another Kyiv geared for fleet action may carry multiple wings of strike fighters and bombers.

Alliance ship types have specific naming conventions. All System Alliance cruisers are named after cities on Earth while the class leader is always named after a capital city. The Kyiv class was named after the capital of Ukraine. 🇺🇦

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