Klingon Helmet PropEuderion on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/euderion/art/Klingon-Helmet-Prop-397110569Euderion

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Klingon Helmet Prop



A step to step construction instruction of my Klingon Helmet.
I built it because I wanted to shoot a short Star Trek fan film along with a few friends. This should show up some Klingons, and unfortunately we only had one Klingon mask. For a second Klingons, we focused on the Klingon helmet as it has happened in Star Trek Into Darkness. I myself am not a great fan of Star Trek Reboot, but the helmet is a good idea to save expensive makeup.

Firstly i made some templates from paper to get the approximate shape. Later I transferred it on plastic plates, and this warmed in the oven, so I could shape it. The green on the upper parts of the head were formerly camping mattresses. It is a easy to edit foam. I have already used the material for my Mass Effect armor.
I plan for the future nor to pour over the entire helmet with resin to obtain a uniform surface.

Here is a cosplay Image with the Helmet:

If you like this, watch my other props:

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