Everest - First Contact EraEuderion on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/euderion/art/Everest-First-Contact-Era-870653696Euderion

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Everest - First Contact Era

Model  SSV EverestLocation  Earth


SSV Everest, the Flagship of the Systems Alliance and the 2nd fleet during the First Contact War Era accompanied by the Berlin class Cruisers SSV Alaska, SSV Berlin and SSV Norway, and the Geneva class Light cruisers SSV Sofia and SSV Luanda.

The Everest class was originally constructed as a deterrent vessel. An increase in the number of human pirate attacks on colonies and outposts led the Systems Alliance to commission the Everest class. A departure from early starship designs, where space was limited resulting in lighter armaments placed on warships, the Everest class was built around its primary weapon, two 718-meter long mass accelerator cannons. This would later become the standard design for most Alliance warships.
The Everest class is an 888-meters long dreadnought with a main gun capable of accelerating a 20 kilogram slug to 1.3% the speed of light (4025 km/s) for a kinetic energy yield equivalent to 38 kilotons of TNT. Only three of them were ever built. The SSV Everest (2150) as class leader, the SSV Fuji (2153) and SSV Elbrus (2157).

At least one of these dreadnoughts have already participated in the first contact war (2157), which would explain the small number of vessels. The construction of additional ships was then adjusted in order to implement the new experiences they made in the fight against the first non-human enemy in newer, more modern warships. In 2161 the SSV Rainier was originally supposed to be put into service as the fourth ship of the Everest class, however, it should never be completed. Shortly after the First Contact War with the Turians, the Systems Alliance joined the galactic society as a Council associate race and signed the Treaty of Farixen, a peacekeeping agreement which limited the number of Dreadnoughts each species may own. At that time, Humans were allowed to built 8 Dreadnoughts. Already possessing three Everest class Dreadnoughts, the Systems Alliance reconsider the completion of the Rainier because it was already outdated and the construction of the brand new Kilimanjaro class Dreadnoughts was preferred instead. In 2163, the half finished spaceframe was stored in a surplus bunker to strip the components for other ships.
Even though the Everest is more than twenty years old, improvements were made in her frame to stay within the fleet side by side to the new Kilimanjaro.


Commissioning: 2150
Class: Everest
Type: Dreadnought
Length: 888 meters
Height: 145 meters (with antennas)
Width: 269 meters
Crew: 900 + 300 Marines + varying number of maintenance Drones and Security Mechs


- Primary: Two 718 meter long spinal Mass Accelerator Guns, 1 Heavy Griffin class Torpedo Launcher
- Secundary: 32 Mass Accelerator Broadside Guns (105 meters long, 16 each side) 8 Medium Javelin Mk2 Torpedo Launchers
- Tertiary: 20 Light Broadside Missile Launchers, 22 Twin Point Defense MAC Turrets


- GARDIAN Defense: GARDIAN Laser Node Network (40 lenses), 4 Anti-Fighter Missile Pod Launcher
- Ablative Armor (2,2 meter Titanium hull + 80 centimeter shock absorbing foam)
- Singlecore Kinetic Barrier Shields


- 300 Marines (12 Teams a 25 Soldiers)
- 40 ELINT (ELectronic INTelligence) reconnaissance drones
- 200 Assault Drones
- 10 Kodiak Dropshuttles
- 20 Trident Mk1 Fighter
- 2 Bumblebee Bomber
- 4 M-29 Grizzly Tanks

Rendered in 3ds Max 10
Post Work in Paint Shop Pro 7
Earth Background by NASA
Mass Effect is (c) by Bioware & EA

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how did you convert the kinetic energy of the main gun to 38 kilotons of tnt