Einstein CarrierEuderion on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/euderion/art/Einstein-Carrier-597239272Euderion

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Einstein Carrier



Ready with texturing the Einstein class Carrier. So here a first image of the ship.

The ship design based on the Arcturus Station we see in the Comic "Mass Effect: Evolution". Unfortunatley the design in the comic doesnt match to the description we get from the ingame codex: a Bernal Sphere Ring Station similar to the Citadel. So i reuse the design, because it matched perfectly for a Alliance Carrier. So i present the Einstein class Carrier, a ship commissioned Years before the First Contact War, before the Mankind have knowledge about Alien Species.

The 940 meter long Einstein class is the oldest Carrier type in service of the Alliance military. It is built in 2149, eight years before the First Contact War with the Turians. Like the Everest class Dreadnought, only three of them were ever built. The Einstein, the Hawking and the Davis. The Einstein is a mobile Base and act as packhorse for the new human colonies and outposts which are etablished quickly after the discovery of the Charon Mass Relay. Her superior cargo capacity makes her a excellente transport ship for founding new colonies. To that time the ship doesnt have much military purpose, because there are no rival for the Systems Alliance beside a short period where the Einstein was stationed on Mars to fight a terrorist group called "Red Sand".
The Einstein class is a typical aircraft carrier with a hullsize hangarbay wich is with 800 m nearly the size of the ship itself. She carries several hundred Starfighter, Shuttles, Dropships, Tanks and armored vehicles as main armament. Her own weapons consist only of 8 Twin Hypervelocity-Railguns (mid Range) to guard the entry lanes of the Hangardecks and a dozen of GARDIAN Laser
(low Range) to deflect enemy rockets or Intercept Fighters.

Hannah Shepard, Commander Shepards Mother served on the SSV Einstein which responded to the Mindoir raid by the Batarians in 2170.

After the First Contact War the Alliance use the experiences they made to replace the Einstein class with the new Tereshkova carrier.
Since the Einstein carrier did not fall under the treaty of farixen, they left them in service as reserve units.

Built and rendered in 3d Max 10
Mass Effect is (c) by Bioware & EA

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Alliance First Contact Era Starships by Euderion Alliance Carrier Tereshkova class by Euderion  Deep Blue by Euderion
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© 2016 - 2025 Euderion
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reis1989's avatar
your works are inspiring.
I have been modeling some alliance ships for a while and I made a Carrier model bases on your 'Sagan' design. 
I would like to show her on DA if you say OK .