the shuffle playlist game

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eTTeLeWeN's avatar
well, i've written something in my first journal entry - something like this: "never believe what winamp says"  :giggle: cause He answered me many times...and some things really were spooky :nod:
but when seeing this game - i couldn't resist  =D

1. How does the world see me?
Star Spangles - Stay Away From Me  :|

2. Will I have a happy life?
Lifehouse - Out Of Breath  :O_o:

3. What do my friends think of me?
3 Doors Down -  Dangerous Game (yeah maybe  :devilish: )

4. Do people secretly lust after me?
Bad Religion - Walk Away (ok ok i got that :| )

5. How can I make myself happy?
Third Eye Blind - Deep Inside Of You  :blushes:

6. What should I do with my life?
Apulanta - Jos Tahdot Niin (translation please?! finns??  =D )

7. Will I ever have children?
Queen - All Dead, All Dead :o :o :o

8. What is some good advice for me?
Franz Ferdinand - Tell Her Tonight :confused: (whom?? what?? )

9. How will I be remembered?
Placebo - Space Monkey  :rofl:

10. What's my signature dancing song?
Alter Bridge - Open Your Eyes (hmm...)

11. What's my current themesong?
The Killers - Indie Rock And Roll (maybe...)

12. What do others think is my current themesong?
Placebo - Teenage Angst  :doh:

13. What shall they play at my funeral?
Switchfoot - Beautiful Letdown   :omg:

14. What type of men do I like?
The Strokes - The End Has No End  :aww:

15. How's my love life?
A Perfect Circle - Passive :jawdrop:  (unfortunately)

good job...
ah s**t i'm frightened again  :cries:

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ATAPLATA's avatar
Tole bom pa potem skopiral, zgleda kul =D

Dej se na razprave ;>