fakemon dump 3or4EstevaoPB on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/estevaopb/art/fakemon-dump-3or4-162316665EstevaoPB

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fakemon dump 3or4



Lemme show you my fakeymans! :la:

The tadpole is water type, and the two toads are water/ground. The big one can stretch its legs to almost its total size, allowing to jump veeery high. :o

The snail is water type, and the two crustaceans are water/fighting. The little one Rasp stones to get minerals, and also can use this ability in battle. :ohnoes:

The slender ones are dragon types. They are like that rare pokeymans you get in the end of the game. Hmm, if there was a movie, this fakey is a born-to-be-hero. Nobody knows him, but he know what he is. He suffers the whole show and struggle with that bfpokeymans, dying in the end(oh sad :ohnoes:). He moves like a mix of ferret and cat, and swim in the air like a seal. (presuming seals swim in water, but oh you got it :P)

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pedropete's avatar
my favorite is the snail line :)