Estel's avatar


revolutionize the mundane
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The Children of War by Estel, literature

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The Children of War by Estel, literature

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Artist // Professional // Other
Birthday '15: Celebrated DeviantArt's 15th birthday
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (76)
Paranoid: Wears a tinfoil hat
Whiskers: Submitted to the April Fools' Day category
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
My Bio

Current Residence: Huntington Beach, California
Favourite genre of music: any - rock mostly, but I like vocal stuff too
Favourite photographer: Ansel Adams or Viggo Mortensen
Favourite style of art: to see? digital color; to make? pencil/ink lineart
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: Zune
Favourite cartoon character: Flynn Rider - Tangled
Personal Quote: "I took the road less traveled, And that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost

Favourite Movies
there's a lot of them
Favourite TV Shows
Torchwood, White Collar, Fringe, Supernatural
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Writers
Tolkien, Shakespeare, Martin McDonagh, James Moran
Favourite Games
Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect, Tomb Raider, Fallout (series)
Favourite Gaming Platform
XBox 360
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop, pencil, eraser, pen, ink, tablet, watercolors, acrylic, brushes, vellum
Other Interests
theater, costumes, torchwood, fandom, cosplay, gaming, photoshop
So, a lot has changed for me as an artist since I last posted. It may not come as much of a surprise that grad school has taken all of my time. Artistically, though, I have grown quite a bit. I have transitioned to 100% digital art with my new Cintiq...
anonymous's avatar
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1. How long have you been on DeviantArt? 2003? Wow. That's a long time. 2. What does your username mean? "Hope" in Sindarin. It was the name given to Aragorn before his 20th birthday so that he would not know he was Aragorn, son of Arathorn and heir to Gondor and the Dunedain. 3. Describe yourself in three words. Driven. Skilled. Fantastical. 4. Are you left or right handed? Ambidextrous favoring my right hand. 5. What was your first deviation? A photo collage of "Tears in Heaven" for Lord of the Rings. 6. What is your favourite type of art to create? Costumes. I love the whole process of making costumes. Everything from designing them to...
anonymous's avatar
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Recently, you might have noticed I've been filling my galleries with new photos. I recently purchased my new Nikon D5300, which I am in love with. The goal is to use it for many forms of photograph as well as a video camera for some upcoming projects.I am also trying to get back into the habit of posting costume and character designs regularly. Since being out of school, I've fallen out of practice with finishing my designs and posting them, but I'm working on doing more designs and posting them.Also the fanart is not over.Outside of all of that, I just wanted to let you all know that I really appreciate your support, as always.  Estel
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Profile Comments 118

anonymous's avatar
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Estheryu's avatar
Nice to meet you!
.:Happy star:. Have a Nice day~~.:Happy star:. 
Estel's avatar
Thanks for visiting!
GwynConawayArt's avatar
Thanks for faving!
Estel's avatar
Thanks for the llama!
Estel's avatar
No worries! That design is amazing! I love the hybrid-period of the design and all that it says about Agamemnon. Its a real shame the director made him wear that heavy coat the whole show. I like the versatility with and without it.
GwynConawayArt's avatar
Haha - well, the director is known for an obscene number of identical black coats in his work. There was no talking him out of that one! 
Lei-Ren's avatar
Thanks for the fav! :happybounce: