[closed] New Year's Raffle 2019Esk-Masterlist on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/esk-masterlist/art/closed-New-Year-s-Raffle-2019-779345276Esk-Masterlist

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[closed] New Year's Raffle 2019



New Year's Free Raffle [closed!] 

{F2U} Pink Firework Bullet {F2U} Pink Firework Bullet {F2U} Pink Firework Bullet  

These adoptables are free for everyone, no AP requirement!

Entry window will be 24 hours!
Closing time is January 3rd, 1:30pm CET / 7:30am EST

More details in Raffle rules at the bottom

As a little thank you to everyone supporting our Staff Advent Sales and to celebrate this New Year, we decided to host a little
New Year's Raffle for all of you!
Please enjoy and good luck to everyone that is going to enter! c:



origin traveler . nature thoughtful . boundary playground . size little

species esk . collection . guest designs . designer Star-Squiddle 

uncommon traits sleek, cropped tail
rare traits solid color
nature feature sweet orange (Citrus x sinensis)

elemental water droplets

ownership @Kyakins


origin traveler . nature clever . boundary seaside hut . size petite 

species esk . collection . guest designs . designer fiachmara 

uncommon traits stripes, cropped tail, flecks
rare traits pale eyes, flexible tail
nature feature silver sea holly (Eryngium giganteum)

ownership @Muddchi

origin traveler . nature peppy . boundary renosterveld . size handful

species esk . collection . guest designs . designer Caliki

uncommon traits blaze, flecks, false ears, cropped tail, bold markings
rare traits bright mask, flexible tail, unusual markings, bright coloration, glowing markings
nature feature Aloe africana

ownership @Aschefall

origin traveler . nature showy . boundary tropical garden . size soaring

species esk . collection . guest designs . designer Nairo-Ryu

uncommon traits flecks, bright markings
rare traits bright mask, pale eye
nature feature pincushion protea (Leucospermum cordifolium)

ownership @AlphaNoxis


pixel flower bullet by SuzukiMikan Raffle Rules  pixel flower bullet by SuzukiMikan

Fill out this google form to enter!
- This is a free for all raffle, meaning, no matter if you're already part of TWWM, first time owner or just looking to join the group, you may enter!
- You can enter for as many as you want, but you can only win one!
- No AP requirement
- 24 hour window ends January 3rd, 1:30pm CET / 7:30am EST

ThoseWhoWentMissing admins will roll the winner on Discord. 

You can check your entry HERE
Please keep your edit link after submitting!

    Leaf Bullet (FTU) by Moonlight-pendent13 Premades Rules  Leaf Bullet (FTU) by Moonlight-pendent13

            - Cannot be sold. Can only be gifted or traded for other esk characters or transformation slots.
            - Two weeks must pass between ownership transfers.
            - "Gift for gift" exchanges count as trading!

quick links:
 ownership transfer rules | guest artist information | editing premades | 

note: claim name listed here only indicates who claimed the adoptable and may not represent ownership in the future. Please use the Esk-Masterlist to check for up-to-date ownership info if viewing this page after the sale has ended
Image size
1323x2160px 1.03 MB
anonymous's avatar
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TwistedScience's avatar
Aaaa I'm excited! Good luck guys!