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Esk-Masterlist on DeviantArt
Deviation Actions
origin traveler . nature bashful . boundary alpine meadow . size blossoming
species esk . collection MYO . designer Night-Hare
uncommon traits none
rare traits none
nature features California lilac (Ceanothus sp.)
ownership Night-Hare
✔️ can gift, swap (esk only)
❌ cannot trade (non-esk), resell
owner history
claimed from nursery by Night-Hare
Esk are a closed species created and owned by witherlings
origin traveler . nature bashful . boundary alpine meadow . size blossoming
species esk . collection MYO . designer Night-Hare
uncommon traits none
rare traits none
nature features California lilac (Ceanothus sp.)
ownership Night-Hare
✔️ can gift, swap (esk only)
❌ cannot trade (non-esk), resell
owner history
claimed from nursery by Night-Hare
Esk are a closed species created and owned by witherlings
Image size
1280x905px 249.28 KB
© 2021 - 2025 Esk-Masterlist
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