Dance of the wickederotesque on DeviantArt

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erotesque's avatar

Dance of the wicked



You cite Kafka
About entering the masquerade without a mask.
You keep crying,
´Cause someone stole your mask.
It was me,
Would you despise me?

For rescuing me from myself,
You demand your mask back in return.
For you cannot stand who you truly are.
Honey, let it go.

It makes me smile,
How you pretend to not be dark.
But darling, you cannot deny
your raison d´etre.
As shadowless as you are,
Yet embraced by the shadow of the Wicked

The blackness in your eyes can not be unseen,
The temptation of sin cannot be ignored.
The crime commited,
Bloody hands cannot be washed clean.

Give me your soul in advance,
Like a stormy ocean,
so dark, deep and boiling.
In exchange,
I will let you eat my heart.

This time no blood shall be spilled,
Drink it to the last drop, my love!
Let our ghost duo waltz in unison
under the icy moonlight
of a silent polar night.

No burden, no storms, no cravings,
I promise you.
It will all fade away,
So join me in death, darling.
And let it go.
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© 2023 - 2025 erotesque
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HDdeviant's avatar

My favorite stanza

Give me your soul in advance,

Like a stormy ocean,

so dark, deep and boiling.

In exchange,

I will let you eat my heart.

my cento

I promise you.

under the icy moonlight

Give me your soul in advance,

Honey, let it go.

´Cause someone stole your mask.