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Yushiko, japonesa metalera de las aventuras de Toby el Chico Ardilla, interpreta al escudero de Sir Galahad para que lo instruya en la caballería y convertirse en la primera mujer caballero, pero por su seguridad, Galahad le viste y peina como un chico para que pase desapercibido, a pesar de que no pare de acercarse y dudar de la sexualidad del pobre Sir Robin, su gran amor. Personaje creado por
Yushiko, Japanese metalhead of the adventures of Toby the Squirrel Boy, plays the squire of Sir Galahad to instruct him in the cavalry and become the first female knight, but for her safety, Galahad dresses her and combs like a boy to pass unnoticed, although she does not stop approaching and doubting the sexuality of poor Sir Robin, her great love. Character created by
Yushiko, Japanese metalhead of the adventures of Toby the Squirrel Boy, plays the squire of Sir Galahad to instruct him in the cavalry and become the first female knight, but for her safety, Galahad dresses her and combs like a boy to pass unnoticed, although she does not stop approaching and doubting the sexuality of poor Sir Robin, her great love. Character created by
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632x890px 59.4 KB
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