-2019- Nanonoid GavinEric-3 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/eric-3/art/2019-Nanonoid-Gavin-820614794Eric-3

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-2019- Nanonoid Gavin



One of my characters, Gavin.

This is supposed to be like a little figure. I just called it a Nanonoid. It wasn't supposed to sound so similar to Nendoroid...it was just short for Nano-Humanoid. :shifty:

The only other one I made was father Nier. I like how he turned out a lot more, but I think that's more due to the character design having more detail to do and the sprite looking better to me for it.

I said I wanted to do more, but I only got around to it now. Part of the reason I switched to pixel art this year was because I needed a break from my regular drawing and colouring, and doing pixel art was easier and less stressful. It was easier to relax with it. But then I was doing relatively larger sprites and some aspects of it were almost as stressful as the drawings I was trying to take a break from. :|

So I did this to try and actually relax. The smaller scale and front view (which lets me, for the most part, just do one half and mirror it :paranoid:) is nice and easy. Just something quick and fun.

I intended to make a "Punishment" variant based on this:
I was going to add the actual energy effect that I left off of that picture, but it wasn't looking promising. Maybe because I still don't quite know how to make it look, or maybe it doesn't work well with a static figure pose like this, or maybe I didn't try hard enough. I dunno. :hmm:
Image size
54x102px 2.51 KB
© 2019 - 2025 Eric-3
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DavidFolkie's avatar
Very nice. His expression is very intense, and that hair is wild!