TakoyakiErajia on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/erajia/art/Takoyaki-67017549Erajia

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Takoyaki looks pretty, tastes great, and is surprisingly easy to make. Big <3 to Delial for getting me my takoyaki pan.

Edit: Lots of people ask how to make these! I use a takoyaki mix, but you can find recipes online to make it from scratch as well. The mix is pretty good, though, and handy if you can't find all the ingredients in your area.

I use a pan similar to this model: [link]

I use this mix: [link]

You can get octopus fresh or frozen at your local fish market. Green onions from your local grocery store!

For my sauces, I use Kewpie: [link] and Otafuku Sauce: [link]

Good luck and happy eating!
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