Old Fahioned Rosesequivoque on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/equivoque/art/Old-Fahioned-Roses-90761957equivoque

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equivoque's avatar

Old Fahioned Roses



[Edit: this is a real still life... not a picture of wallpaper. Everyone keeps thinking it is just a picture of the wall, which it isn't. These are roses from my garden.]

How do we not to burn down our supplies of precious Time-Zero film? Polaroid lovers are innovative in devising techniques and methods that will allow them to trick, coax, or coerce acceptable results from the less desirable 600 film that is still somewhat abundant. I'm no different in this regard. Desperation is a powerful motivator. Here's an afternoon still life (and the old fashioned roses are from a climber in front of my house).

Someone on Polanoid wrote something that I thought was funny... How nice that you aren't too cool not to express what we all are feeling about Time-Zero film. Next in scarcity is 669. There are ways around via Fuji film (see flickr). And how witty to put a twist on the "duty" flower shot. So being a wallflower isn't bad at all! Thanks for this.

Well... this is a real still life, not flowers on a wall. The camera shake from longish exposure in lower light created the effect of an image showing up twice in an old book (if you've ever seen something like that). I think the colors turned out beautifully. I'm going to have prints made.
Image size
463x560px 143.04 KB
CanoScan 8600F
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