EquestriaTerminal's avatar


Years Ago
464 Members389 Watchers

Comments 78

anonymous's avatar
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EchoWing's avatar
Alright, I've been trying to submit stuff here for the better part of a year, and it's plain to see that no one's minding the store. This will be my last time trying to submit. Send me a message if anyone wants my stuff here, because I'm not bothering otherwise.
Prince-Harmony's avatar
Hi. It's me. You probably remember. I only have just one question.

Why do I get the feeling that I'm not wanted here anymore?
jonbuddy's avatar
It seems I'm not allowed to write journals even if I'm one of the Royal Guards. Okay, that's fine, I can write here.

If you're coming to submit art in the past like, six months or more you'll notice that no one is even checking the submissions. That changes starting today.

I myself have left dA for the most part, but I decided that I will return every couple of days to check submissions for this group. With nearly 500 members and about that many watchers I deem it important that at least one person take interest in the group.

I still have some of the admins here on Skype, I'll try to contact to see the future of this group.

As always, know the rules of the group! fav.me/d7d4x6f

Maxojir's avatar
If you ever want any help let me know. I tend to have a lot of time on my hands so I could easily sit around sorting through submissions.
HardLightComics's avatar
I'm kinda wondering if this group is still active myself, I've submitted quiet a few pieces and it's all gone expired.
GladiatorRomanus's avatar
is this group still active?
Darknisfan1995's avatar
now i submitte all again. this are the right folders and if there declined again i leave the group. i dont need a group there declined my arts by submit in the right folders-.-