Examples of breathing underwater while sleepingEpic-JP on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/epic-jp/art/Examples-of-breathing-underwater-while-sleeping-983627999Epic-JP

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Examples of breathing underwater while sleeping

Character  Naruto UzumakiCharacter  Hinata HyuugaCharacter  GracieCharacter  Asseylum Vers AllusiaLocation  Fantasy


OK, for all the ones that are (probably) worried for me...

I'm OK, I'm not dying, I'm not injured and I'm not ill.

I'm "simply" passing a moment where I'm unable to produce art. But I'll come out, I swear it!!!

Anyway... this piece is not-really-done-by-me. I'm uploading it because... it could be useful in the future for... future things.

The first "part" is a detail of a piece done by :iconmattwilson83: and you can find the "full version" here: www.deviantart.com/mattwilson8…

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The second one is part of a piece done by me. Since it's ONLY FOR WATCHERS, you'll have to follow me to properly see it BD: www.deviantart.com/epic-jp/art…

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The little panels are part of this story: e-hentai.org/g/272506/b1439894…

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And the last three images are from the anime Aldnoah.Zero showing a comatose girl that was shot and placed inside some kind of Healing-Tube to recover.
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1185x3900px 4.61 MB
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