EonMon's avatar


Eh. I draw and stuff.
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Design & Interfaces
  • Dec 12
  • United States
  • Deviant for 13 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (35)
So today, I looked through my messages, and I found out that one of my deviations went over 1,000 views for the very first time ever! If you are interested in seeing the deviation in question, it was The Guys of Normal Boots, seen here . I just wanted to say thank you so much to the people who viewed this art piece. I know taking two seconds out of your day to view something on DeviantART isn't that big a deal, but to me, that's 2,000 seconds of view time and (hopefully) enjoyment I brought to the people of DevaintART. And that is a very, very fulfilling thing to think about. I am insanely proud of myself, and that I managed to make such a...
anonymous's avatar
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    Hi, guys. It's been a while, hasn't it? Unfortunately, as you probably guessed, my patience with DeviantArt ran thin a while ago and I simply stopped updating the page. Life caught up to me with college and stuff also. Recently, however, I had a sudden urge to come back. Mostly, I missed having people see my artwork, and awesome Deviants such as my good pal DragonLordFrankie . So... do I intend on updating my profile? Possibly. Do I intend on uploading some new artwork? Possibly. Am I writing this completely in Stream of Consciousness? Again, possibly. Everything on this site is basically all up in the air for now. I don't know if I w...
anonymous's avatar
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Hey guys. I just wanted to apologize for my constant lack of updates. I NEVER update my DeviantART... but I want to change that.    I  was thinking  maybe  an update every week? At least one a week. I doubt I will actually be able to update  that fast right away, so I'm thinking I could ease into it. So at minimum, I want to have one update per month. Also... DeviantART must have updated or something... Because I can't use my Journal Skin anymore? That sucks!
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Profile Comments 168

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LadyKuki's avatar
Sup? Haven't replied to you in a bit because Im busy, but what's up?
EonMon's avatar
Hahaha, it's not a problem!

Anyway, not much. School's been cracking down on me, as we're currently in our final graphic design term, and the teachers want to cram as much down our throats as possible, so I haven't really had much time to do anything else. But, I did just get a drawing tablet through the mail, and I finished drawing linework for a random doodle I did to celebrate getting it! Other than that, nothing really noteworthy has been happening. What about you? How have you been?
LadyKuki's avatar
Ffff that's pretty much me right there. I'm busy as heck.

Anyway, my computer got infected by a virus, and it jacked up my internet so I have to go mobile for now.

Btw, I saw your thread on the FE reddit, you know the one about your FE7 randomizer and Karel? XD
EonMon's avatar
Hahaha. Thankfully the last Graphic Design Term is over, and I can rest easy now. Hopefully it's all behind me now.

That sucks. I haaaaaaaattttteeeeee computer viruses. I wish they just didn't exist.

Hahahaha, that's funny. I didn't expect you to see that! But I guess I didn't expect it to get the front page of the subreddit, either. Did you enjoy it?
Marmottegarou's avatar
Thanks for the fav :ahoy:
EonMon's avatar
You are very welcome!
DarkRockerRUS's avatar
Thank you so much for the :iconfav3dplz: mean a lot owo/