Engine97's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Film & Animation
  • May 19
  • United States
  • Deviant for 11 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (109)
Double Delicious Cake: But only half the calories! (2)
Gold Coin: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
My Bio

I am interested in Trains, The R.M.S. Titanic, the War of the Worlds and Train Wrecks.
I am the owner of the Sandpatch and Southern Railway. I am a die hard fan of the Western Maryland Railway. Also I happen to be gay :) (Smile)
Sandpatch and Southern Stamp by Engine97 WMSR 734 Stamp by Engine97 WMSR 1309 Stamp by Engine97 Western Maryland Scenic Railroad Stamp by Engine97 Allegany Central Stamp by Engine97 Western Maryland Stamp by Engine97 Western Maryland by culdeefan4 Circus Scheme Stamp by Engine97 Cumberland and Pennsylvania Stamp by Engine97 Union Railroad Stamp by Engine97 Baltimore and Ohio by culdeefan4 Pittsburgh and Lake Erie by culdeefan4 Virginian Railway by culdeefan4 Chessie System by culdeefan4 AMRoad by culdeefan4 Rio Grande by culdeefan4 New Haven by culdeefan4 Canadian National Railways by culdeefan4 Union Pacific by culdeefan4 Canadian Pacific Railway by culdeefan4 The Milwaukee Road by culdeefan4 Chesapeake and Ohio by culdeefan4 Pennsylvania Railroad by culdeefan4 Red Arrow Stamp by Engine97 U.S. Navy Stamp by Engine97 Uss Forrstal Stamp by Engine97 USS The Sullivans (DDG-68) by Engine97 Thunder Child Stamp by Engine97 HMS Hood Stamp by Engine97 A Night to Remember Stamp by Engine97 Stamp: Gay Rights by RogueDerek Penn Central Stamp by Engine97 Soviet Union Stamp by Engine97 Untitled by USS Wainwright by Engine97 USS Oulette by Engine97 USS Aylwin by Engine97 USS Aubrey Fitch by Engine97 Gay Pride Stamp by KittyJewelpet78

Made by Me~


I did not make the track :D (Big Grin)

Favourite Visual Artist
Ernest Borgnine
Favourite Movies
Paradise Express (1932)
Favourite TV Shows
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Sergei Prokofiev
Favourite Books
Set up running
Favourite Writers
John Orr
Favourite Games
Railway Valley
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Other Interests
Railroads, Steam Locomotives and Steam Ships
Bessemer and Lake Erie 643 will be moved to the age of steam roundhouse in Sugar creek Ohio. She’s safe!
anonymous's avatar
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Ever wonder what a Sandpatch and Southern steam engine looks and sounds like?Whistle is a Sandpatch and Southern 5 Chime. (I changed the pitch of an existing whistle until I thought it sounded like an SP&S whistle!) I did upload the whistle into trainz, so Note me if you're interested.
anonymous's avatar
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Filosofy lish' razlichnym obrazom ob"yasnyali mir, no delo zaklyuchayetsya v tom, chtoby izmenit' yego.
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 910

anonymous's avatar
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Punished6435's avatar

Just a heads up to any watcher here; as of me typing this this deviant page is pretty much dead as well... Engine97 actually works for the WMSR!

That and he moved on from this site which I whole heartedly respect. Hope you folks understand.

ZacharyAValerian's avatar

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one!

PhotomanVa007's avatar

WOW....your galleries are to say the least, amazing. I really liked the photo's of the old sandpatch station. Your TITANIC images are haunting, very well done indeed my friend. Do you only shoot trains in PA? or have you traveled elsewhere to shoot them?

WilliamCreator57's avatar
culdeefan4's avatar
Happy Birthday!!!!!
birthday cake birthday cake birthday cake birthday cake birthday cake 
ameth18's avatar
Happy Birthday. :)
TheReadingG3's avatar
Happy birthday! :cake: :party: :D