Pug hates medicineengelszorn on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/engelszorn/art/Pug-hates-medicine-273089357engelszorn

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Pug hates medicine



The family pug has kennel cough, but is recovering thanks to the meds. She devised a couple of strategies to avoid having to take the cough-syrup :D

1. I don't hear/see you, therefor you do not exist.

2. The pathetic look + droopy tail.

3. My parents checked: she can breathe that way.

4. Despite popular believe pugs are actually very agile when they want to.

5. Get that stuff out of mah face!!!

6. Here, you can have it right back.

I can't draw cartoons, lol.
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Yuri-Kitsune's avatar
Too, true!!!
💙 The turtleneck. XD