Healing Hearts [GroveClan|HollowClan]EndlessSketch on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/endlesssketch/art/Healing-Hearts-GroveClan-HollowClan-966889363EndlessSketch

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Healing Hearts [GroveClan|HollowClan]



Note: Not actual rp scene! (might be a future one!)

After the fall of HollowClan, Cinderstorm made it out half alive, with her brother carrying her unconscious body. Waking up to find herself in the medicine den of GroveClan. Feeling useless and depressed after the fall of HollowClan and losing her sight in her one eye, she felt like she'd never be a good warrior again.
Wrenfeather, a GroveClan warrior, started bringing the younger she-cat flowers, Forget-me-nots, and boosting her confidence in herself 

I really imagine these two being friends, especially since Wrenfeather was really good friends with Cinderstorms now deceased sister, Skyfeather before the fall of HollowClan

Cinderstorm (Blue-Gray She-Cat) Wrenfeather (Dark Brown spotted she-cat)
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© 2023 - 2025 EndlessSketch
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MossyCatt's avatar

This is so pretty! I’m really excited to see interactions with these two in the future! Wrenfeather is so sweet!