⚠️NOTICE⚠️: Anyone who uses my art without my permission or authorization will be blocked and reported.
⚠️NOTICE⚠️: When commenting on my deviations, please refrain from talking about anything that does not relate to the deviations. Any comments unrelated to the deviations that they are posted on will be deleted. My main profile page however is open for any and all comments and questions.
Hello my name is EnderKnight1, I will never tell anyone my real name, and welcome to my profile. I am an artist on DeviantArt. I am a crossover universe enthusiast and I have drawn several Ben 10 fan aliens and crossover aliens.
Sorry ladies, I'm not single.
I also have permission by TheHawkDown to use his aliens for any future projects:
As well as permission from Spyro2108 to use his aliens:
Permission from Captain-EON:
And permission from Minx4321:
Username: EnderKnight1
Real Name: Classified Information
Age: 18 years
Gender: Male
Favorite Quotes:
“Ewww! I stepped in loser!”
- Ben Tennyson (Death Battle: Ben 10 vs. Green Lantern)
“I’m your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.”
- Spider-Man
“You wanted your very own big bang!”
- Ben Tennyson (A New Dawn)
“It’s Hero Time!”
- Ben Tennyson
“I am vengeance, I am the night, I am Batman!”
- Batman
“I know a thousand ways to kill you, and 941 of them hurt.”
- Makuta Teridax (Bionicle)
“Dreams save us. Dreams lift us up and transform us. And on my soul I swear, until my dream of a world where dignity, honor, and justice becomes the reality we share, I’ll never stop fighting, ever!”
- Superman
“You wanna ask questions, or you wanna kick some butt?”
- Dani Phantom
“If god wanted you to live, he would not have created me.”
- Soldier (TF2)
“No copyright law in the universe is going to stop me.”
- Sonic
“With great power, comes great responsibility.”
- Spider-Man
Happy Birthday I hope you enjoy it
Happy birthday
Enderknight1 can i use your Crossover Transformation PsyComet?
Sure. So long as you give me credit where credit is due.
I know it's early, I hope you enjoy your birthday tomorrow.
Your most welcome, I'll say it again tomorrow too, Lol 😆