Paris Kissendegor on DeviantArt

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October 24, 2014
Paris Kiss by endegor
Featured by moonbeam13
Suggested by OfOneSoul
endegor's avatar

Paris Kiss



Saint-Germain-des-Pres, Paris
The ride “Beret-Baguette”, 2014, Paris. The cyclists stopped at a red light, and I was on the opposite side of the street. They started kissing, and I had no choice but to take a photo of them

Prix d'Olympus de "Le plus grand concours photo du monde 2014":…

More from Paris streets:

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Photography Monthly
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2120x3180px 1.93 MB
© 2014 - 2025 endegor
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morningstarskid's avatar
Wow... Great Image.....😀