Yaroslav - Sakura RNG raceenchantedpencilARPGs on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/enchantedpencilarpgs/art/Yaroslav-Sakura-RNG-race-956239906enchantedpencilARPGs

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enchantedpencilARPGs's avatar

Yaroslav - Sakura RNG race



These guyS NEED LEVELS- I mean, uh, I was feeling very creatively inspired or something like that

Yaroslav's running the race, the other guys are just there

shaded fb(5) + detailed BG(3) + ready to mingle(2) + show(3) = 13PP
colored fb(4) + simple shading(2) + medium BG(2) + medium lighting(2) + another species(1) = 11MP
fullbody(3) + simple shading(1) + detailed BG(2) + other breeds(2) = 8XP

entry for:
Feast of Flowers - Easter Show 2023 ,With the energy of the Spring Equinox still vibrating through the air, it is time for the annual Dies Festus Florum--the Feast of Flowers! Before the Parade and crowning of the Ostara Prince, however, there are many other festivities to be had! Welcome one and all to the second annual Feast of Flowers event! There are many different activities to participate in--all will varying levels of involvement so everyone can participate! Flower Festival Activities! Import Raffle: The festivities have drawn in some curious Spectraloosas from faraway lands! After the event has concluded, perhaps these new Spectraloosas will decide to put down roots and stay for awhile? See [THIS COMMENT] for rules on how to enter the Raffles! Egg Painting Contest: Who doesn't love some good old-fashioned Easter egg painting? Using [THESE] lines, try your hand at painting some eggs! Submit your entries to [THIS COMMENT]! Each entry will be rewarded with 20 Urns, and you may make up to 5 entries! At the end of the event, the group will be a vote for the best three Egg Designs. Then, our admins will design group horses based on the winning Painted Eggs, with the original egg designers earning monthly slots to these new Group Horse! Sakura Petal RNG Race: The path of the Dies Festus Florum Parade is desperately lacking in decorations! The more competitive of Spectraloosas have been tasked with racing along the Parade Path with baskets of flower petals attached to their backs! Not only that, but this year non-Spectraloosa creatures are welcome to participate! Feel free to enter with any of your competitive four-legged equines! Over the course of the race, their baskets will empty and scatter petals along the path to help decorate for the coming Parade! Post your entries to [THIS COMMENT] to participate. You may enter two Horses per race! Races will be rolled for every five entries, with one Grand Champion being rolled at the end of the event out of all the 1st place winners! Minimum of a Coloured Headshot or 600 word literature piece to enter! Deviations can feature up to two competing horses at once, and other horses can also be included if they aren't competing (they may even be doing one of the below prompts instead!). Please clarify in the description who is doing what, when multiple horses are depicted. All placings are RNG based. -Art and Literature Prompts-All entries should be a minimum of 4 XP before Bonuses, and follow the Prompt. Submit entries to [THIS COMMENT]. Each entry will be rewarded with 20 Urns per Spectraloosa featured. You may make unlimited entries, but each Spectraloosa can only do a prompt once--meaning a maximum of 7 prompts total per Spectraloosa! Prompts can only be completed with spectraloosas you own, or with our many group horses (for group horses, the limit is one prompt per spectra per person)PROMPTS:Flower Crowns: What other way to celebrate the new growth than by decorating yourself in beautiful flowers? Draw or write about your Spectraloosa making crowns and garlands of flowers!Egg Hunt: It seems like some pesky rabbits have hidden brightly coloured eggs all over the place! Draw or write about your Spectraloosa searching for these eggs!Green Hooves!: Now is the perfect time to start growing new plants for the coming season! Draw or write about your Spectraloosa working on a Garden!Dies Festus Florum Parade: As the celebrations near their end, the annual Parade is in full swing! Draw or write about your Spectraloosa participating or watching the Parade!Feast of Flowers: Before the final Bonfire can happen, the grand Feast of Flowers must be had! Draw or write about your Spectraloosa preparing food, flower arrangements, or eating at the Feast!Coronation Bonfire!: As the festivities draw to an end, the Great Bonfire is held to celebrate the new year! Draw or write about your Spectraloosa enjoying the Bonfire and dance!Misc Celebrations: Have another idea for how your Spectraloosa is celebrating the Spring Equinox? Draw or write about your Spectraloosa in a Spring-related setting!Event End Countdown!
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Nemenos's avatar

Aww, this is so cute! The purple looks really beautiful <3