SeaPigenc86 on DeviantArt

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The SeaPig is an armored suit that can withstand the vacuum of space and the harsh wasteland that is the remains of earth. An upgraded version of the snakeye suit, this version is mostly suited for long range scouting and reconnaissance. Upgraded with a radome and frontal scanners, the seapig can track targets and salvage at incredible distance compared to other power armor in its class. The boosters make this bulky suit surprising agile and with the additional fuel tanks the seapig can conduct long range missions that others cannot. The right hand is a fully acculturated and able to perform much like the users real hand. The Excmer laser system is powerful enough to cut through obstacles and foes alike. Whether it is the vastness of space or the scorched earth, the SeaPig is up to the job.

Here is my finished 1/20 SeaPig produced by wave. Built mostly out of the box (but with added decals) part of the Ma.k universe (Maschinen Krieger), this was a series of firsts for me, first 1/20, wave kit and Ma.k kit. Standing at a mighty 11 cm tall this kit really was a lot of fun. I had been a bit intimidated by this kit at first and even had a few minor paint mistakes, but for my first Ma.k I am really happy with this build. Adding the tonnage of decals it came with (and then some) was really FUN. While the suit doesn't have a ton of details and gimmicks, it really makes up for it with a boat load of kool. This model is really screaming for a diorama (or stand) so at some point I’ll have to get on that. With this one done I am already eying the other Ma.k kits in my stash but it might be some time till I get around to them.

As Always questions, comments and suggestions welcome!

Image size
2129x2378px 2.15 MB
Shutter Speed
1/60 second
Focal Length
35 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jul 16, 2014, 11:19:27 AM
© 2015 - 2025 enc86
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