emrerende's avatar


Emre Rende
944 Deviations
First journal in 6 monhts!

More like "Recommended YEARLY allowance of Awesomeness".

Anyway, here's some photographic brilliance from you guys and things inspiring me these days.

Gypsy woman by Samtresska   26 by tolgatacmahal 07114 by akihiroe If Looks Could Kill by ActiveShooter Postcard from Chefchaouen 04 by JACAC Istanbul by PatrickWally :thumb291705523: orange by ferg3110 the poet by HenriqueFrazao Contemplation by IsacGoulart :thumb280940555: :thumb286334064: Early morning by nooreva :thumb299276158: february mood by MustafaDedeogLu Looking Forward to the Future by bQw Dirty boots by cameraflou xareu by poivre :thumb294724063: 155 by harmonist When The Trees Sing by Olga-Zervou Postcard from Erg Chebbi 07 by JACAC Instant 2379 by SUDOR Mosque II by IsacGoulart Sin juicio, solo presencia, ahora. (I) by Elsilencio fried red tomatoes by tamergunal

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Hello everyone.

A very quick note to say Hi and to let you know that you can follow me on Twitter emrerende twitter.com/#!/emrerende and Like my photography page on facebook right here www.facebook.com/pages/EMRE-RE…

Add me/Follow me and let's connect

Here's what's giving me inspiration these days:  

Safe by Kleemass kick by Benowski Train of Life by vulezvrk

Mature Content

Mursi Woman by demi2004
run by mahendrasaja 021 by MustafaDedeogLu Little Girl by bermek Le temps passe... I by C-Jook Boisterous juncture by EyeDoorCinema Begum by Suppi-lu-liuma :thumb282991107: the clemency by celilsezer la vida diaria de la Habana. by oscarsnapshotter :thumb275552445: Bis by serhatbayram :thumb243623833: x0049 by SquadGazZz oberons overture by fotoizzet ... by I-IONZA :thumb260287387: Bartin  Yaylalari... by hkncnr ESB by djailledie :thumb260021637: Shadow II by Hengki24 urf-1 by omurde 148 by harmonist knock knock by jeteng tramvaj by durcka this is my house by geissa karanfil by celilsezer :thumb201298257: 18 by Irk-in

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First Journal in 6 months...

Here's a good dose of goodness from  you guys:

:thumb105472607: :thumb204787516: karanfil by celilsezer A Family's Home by feureau Haydarpasa Station by Stillmind street as66 by ohyouhandsomeDevil 125 by felixlu Sunday Morning 1 by yuniarko 123 by felixlu :boy: by MustafaDedeogLu 151 by harmonist :thumb202025654: :thumb201471906: Nuang Shwe Taxi by mjbeng :thumb192912489: Patriot by Gorgoro :thumb202247994: Lokbaintan Boat by abdieft 523 by kalemkar :thumb134070403: :thumb186580298: The Look by demi2004 The big eye by JACAC :thumb145478584: Her name was Ursula by DeviousClown Sorry For The Lost Souls by davidsant secretive nuns by SantiBilly blurry lives by alperdutkin cuddle by FigoTheCat home sweet home.. by CanDaN Buddhist Child Monks I by poraschaudhary Afghanistan 5 by demi2004 istanbul 1 by musturk Life... by Michel-Lag-Chavarria One of the survivors of 1915 by erhanarik Apa Bisa Makan Malam Ini? by roshVisual

Seeking inspiration these days and these are helping quite a bit.

Where did people go? I feel like there are less and less (ironically while knowing there are more and more) people on DA. Did we migrate somewhere? Did I miss a meeting?

Something We Like interviewed me. Here it is: www.somethingwelike.com/inspir…

So much has happened in the last 6 months.

My portrait book project turned into a completely different book project. It's now a book about the Indian Ocean. I think over time Peter Marlow convinced me that there wasn't much to a book with 100 faces. Thank you all for all your comments to my previous journal on this matter. Currently writing the foreword to the book. Going very slow indeed.

I spent a month in Malaysia, working and traveling to Northern Thailand and Java from there. Then spent a month in the US, working in Washington DC (saw Obama with my own eyes!) and traveling and am now back in Doha... 40 degrees... doing overnight shifts... living like a zombie.

I've started missing analog so much that I recently "invested" in a  Diana lomography camera. Don't like the results. Maybe I should have gone for a Holga. Anyway, loading and rolling medium format film did a lot of good to my soul.  

Finally, as always, here are some photos from me, old and new.

Absa Gueye by emrerende England by emrerende Threat From Above by emrerende The Waiting Game by emrerende Kine Kine by emrerende La Femme by emrerende Walls by emrerende Bob by emrerende For Your Eyes Only III by emrerende   Delivery by emrerende Street-mo by emrerende Obamapowa II by emrerende   Police Funk by emrerende Kerala Portraits XIII by emrerende Explorers by emrerende Cool and Deadly by emrerende People For by emrerende Zilla by emrerende Qadima by emrerende Uncle Tan by emrerende Duality by emrerende Daily Dust by emrerende Support Star II: Le Retour by emrerende Kerala Portraits by emrerende Fire and Water by emrerende Ganga Pull by emrerende Extra Charges by emrerende The Road to Edification by emrerende Palatal Guide by emrerende Chove Chuva by emrerende Day Job by emrerende A Day on Tracks III by emrerende Doha Dawn by emrerende The Apprentice by emrerende Namesti Republiky by emrerende The Floating Hypermart by emrerende Cornered From Above by emrerende Blue Me Dharavi by emrerende Cold and Lonely by emrerende Obstruction of Justice by emrerende Kenya Village Life III by emrerende Laos Village Life XV by emrerende Laos Village Life VIII by emrerende Bain de Lumiere by emrerende Zzzzzz by emrerende   Keep Walking by emrerende Quite V 2.0 by emrerende Forbidden Fruits by emrerende The Future Sound Of Tokyo by emrerende Gatekeeper by emrerende Solitary Native by emrerende Tychoon by emrerende

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Hi everyone,

So I have just finished a photography course organized by Magnum photos. 5 days of intensive photography with Peter Marlow of Magnum fame.

We shot projects that we pitched ourselves on the first day and exhibited them on the last day, working with Marlow along the way.

During that course, I showed my previous work to the Magnum guys and especially the portrait book that I am working on using Blurb which will include shots like these:

The Return to Pokhara II by emrerende The Return to Pokhara III by emrerende The Return to Pokhara IV by emrerende Ilha De Mozambique by emrerende Ilha De Mozambique XIII by emrerende Up and Down by emrerende Faces of Uganda II by emrerende Glasnost by emrerende Faces of Uganda by emrerende Sanyasi by emrerende Spontaneous Company by emrerende Without You by emrerende

"These are not portraits" said Marlow. "These are faces. And they are a bit too accidental if you ask me" he said.

"How do you mean" I said. "Well you've just come across these people on the street and stuck a camera in their faces."

"exactly, that's the whole point" I said. "There isn't much value to that" he replied. "look at Steve McCurry, he finds his subjects and then puts them in backgrounds and light environments he feels comfortable in"…

I always thought that McCurry's shots, amazing and inspiring as they may be, felt a bit too staged and I got my confirmation right there.

Coming from a Magnum photographer, all this got me thinking… Is there really no value in trying to bring people's emotions and personalities through their eyes and faces?

Is there only value in portraits like the ones below where the surrounding, background, framing tell a bit more about the person what they do etc?

Morning Duty by emrerende Dr Eiff by emrerende Demp by emrerende Kerala Portraits XIII by emrerende Sulo by emrerende Inta Outa by emrerende

I read again McCurry's chapter in the Magnum Stories book where he says "There's got to be purpose to the portrait at another level - You have to say something or reveal something about the person. Recording a face isn't enough".

Why not?

Magnum was founded as a rebellion against the establishment because Capa, Cartier Bresson were angry not to be able to own their negatives.

Interesting how they have become the establishment over 50 years.

I really need your honest views and opinions on this. I am at a critical stage where I am putting my/your favorite portraits/faces in a book that I am planning on publishing through Blurb. Is there no point for such a book? What do you think of "Accidental Faces" for a title?

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Photographic brilliance in various forms...

1230 by Barbaross Wildfire by Iribel aim high by aR-Ka wet sunday by MustafaDedeogLu aldulhamit duserken by yalcinkesen :thumb156296079: 414 by kalemkar 419 by kalemkar Playing Soccer by yuniarko life is short by FREEDOM8111 :thumb152527700: Why Problem? by cahilus The Great Himalayan Range by poraschaudhary :thumb151356641: mybothsideS by MustafaDedeogLu city riverside by Lucem zeyrek. by emrebo 95- lay beside me by fergen life  and  death by catman-suha :thumb147491376: :thumb141318322: Vardiya by soneryaman Gull by OnurY :thumb130092881: half the man by veftenie beginning of a new day by EmirKurtaran 7735 by celil Man in Turqouise II by oscarsnapshotter 1350 by Barbaross Salaam by SebastienTabuteaud :thumb157779430: El Tatio 5 by arnaudlegrand 7776 by celil A Learning by yuanyuanyuan street 18 by moty66

...and my personal favorites from my gallery...

Obamapowa II by emrerende   Police Funk by emrerende Kerala Portraits XIII by emrerende Explorers by emrerende Cool and Deadly by emrerende People For by emrerende Zilla by emrerende Qadima by emrerende Duality by emrerende Daily Dust by emrerende Support Star II: Le Retour by emrerende Kerala Portraits by emrerende Fire and Water by emrerende Ganga Pull by emrerende Extra Charges by emrerende The Road to Edification by emrerende Palatal Guide by emrerende Chove Chuva by emrerende Day Job by emrerende A Day on Tracks III by emrerende Doha Dawn by emrerende The Apprentice by emrerende Namesti Republiky by emrerende The Floating Hypermart by emrerende Cornered From Above by emrerende Blue Me Dharavi by emrerende Cold and Lonely by emrerende Obstruction of Justice by emrerende Kenya Village Life III by emrerende Laos Village Life XV by emrerende Laos Village Life VIII by emrerende Bain de Lumiere by emrerende Zzzzzz by emrerende   Keep Walking by emrerende Quite V 2.0 by emrerende Forbidden Fruits by emrerende The Future Sound Of Tokyo by emrerende Gatekeeper by emrerende Solitary Native by emrerende Tychoon by emrerende

Do you ever get the feeling that your work will be completely forgotten once you are yourself gone? I do fear I must say that all those years of hardwork would have achieved nothing at the end. Gone. Folders and folders of negatives rotting in some relatives' basement, thousands of digital files in some broken hard drive.

I am quite confused these days... I really miss film. Yet I have absolutely no access to it here and no ways of developing it. I miss black and white even more... tried shooting some recently with the 5dmark II. Not satisfying at all...

I am in a dark place... Photographically that is. I've completely stopped taking pictures on a daily basis as I used to and instead go completely shutter insane in the periods I'm away from here. Keep repeating yourself: It's just a phase...

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Your Recommened Monthly Allowance of Awesomeness by emrerende, journal

Facebook, Twitter and your Daily Dose of Awesome by emrerende, journal

Devious Journal Entry by emrerende, journal

Magnum Course, Faces VS Portraits and the Blurb by emrerende, journal

Your Recommended Daily Allowance of Awesomeness by emrerende, journal