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Meet Jean Luc



So untl this little guy is adopted I'm calling him Jean Luc. He was comissioned by :iconjaimejones93: for her sister's Christmas present and was meant to be a close copy of Pierre. I didn't really want to go to close, because I'd like very much if each "bot" was individual. In JL's case he turned out a little pudgier and I gave him green eyes so he kind of looks like Pierre's little brother or cousin ^^

All I need now is some chain and to glue his arms in :D

I made him in a slightly different way to Pierre as well, crafting the body and feet onto the leg frame before baking so that I wouldn't have the nasty problem of his feet and legs wiggling rather scarily O_O

Ah my little Pierre :heart: one day I will figure out a way of getting your legs to stop doing that :3 and then I shall never stop wearing you :aww:

P.S. Jamie, whatever your sister decides to call him I'll replace the name in the title ^^
Image size
2448x3264px 2.31 MB
Sony Ericsson
Shutter Speed
1/8 second
Focal Length
5 mm
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Date Taken
Dec 6, 2010, 3:01:59 PM
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ToastedNeko's avatar
oh my god thats awesome