CreationShare DesignEmmaL27Emma
Artist | Professional | Varied
United States
I started out teaching myself HTML and basic image editing
around age 12 as a hobby. Websites, and the internet in general,
was a rather fascinating enigmatic place I wanted to understand.
I enjoyed taking things apart so breaking down a code for a
website seemed like a fun puzzle to me. Not too long after
learning some basic HTML I started playing around in Photoshop
and then Illustrator and eventually Flash. I didn’t get into
video editing until high school where I did all the video
editing for a class project in high school during senior year.
It’s in my portfolio! Years later that simple curiosity about
websites, Photoshop, Illustrator, animation, and video editing
turned into actual skills! I honestly wanted to be a
veterinarian for a long time but realized I hate the sight of
blood/internal organs/infections/etc. after taking an Animal
Veterinary Science class in high school. I do have a cat and a
dog who are both rescues though.
Graphic and website design and video editing were naturally the
next option on my list other than traditional artist which I
enjoy as a hobby now. I may even sell some of my art at some
point! Watercolor and oil painting are my favorite mediums
although I’d love to do clay and found material sculptures again
but lack the space and equipment. I also enjoy reading books and
playing video games.