Emanuele Dascanio was born in Garbagnate Milanese in 1983.
After graduating from Lucio Fontana Art School of Arese, in 2003 he enrolled at the Academy of Brera, but feeling of living in a decadent for the same art, he abandoned the academy after six months.
Continuing to feel a desire and the need for artistic growth, in 2007 studied and worked in the atelier of Gianluca Corona, finding in him a good teacher and learning the technique of oil painting as it has been handed down from the Renaissance.
He has participated in various competitions and exhibitions at national and international ranking near the top.
DevoteS much time to the study of artistic techniques and the search for continuous improvement of its expressive capabilities.
His works are in private collections in Italy and abroad.
Emanuele Dascanio nasce a Garbagnate Milanese nel 1983.
Dopo essersi diplomato al Liceo Artistico Lucio Fontana di Arese, nel 2003 si iscrive all’accademia di Brera, sezione pittura: avendo appreso di vivere in un contesto decadente per la stessa pittura, la abbandona dopo sei mesi.
Continuando, però, a sentire il desiderio ed il bisogno di una crescita artistica, nel 2007 approda nello studio di Gianluca Corona, trovando in lui un valido maestro ed apprendendo la tecnica della pittura ad olio.
Attraverso l'antica tecnica della pittura rinascimentale applicata al contemporaneo senso del fotorealismo, Emanuele Dascanio cerca di indagare attraverso la pelle della realtà il suo senso intrinseco più profondo.
Emanuele Dascanio ha partecipato a vari concorsi e mostre collettive a livello nazionale e internazionale, classificandosi sempre ai primi posti.
Le sue opere sono presenti in prestigiose collezioni private in Italia e all’estero.
Your work is absolutely magnificent, both very realistic and, in some cases, very surreal. Your paintings are particularly vivid, full of emotion, and each one tells its own story beautifully. I love your work and can't wait to see more.
Incredible talent, your drawings are simply amazing! 💚