For KingdomBlade and Temireeelzataerinn on DeviantArt

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elzataerinn's avatar

For KingdomBlade and Temiree



So I only found out relatively recently that :iconkingdomblade: and :icontemiree: have birthdays that are only two days apart, so just for the fun of it, I decided to draw a gift for the both of them on the intermediary day, which is today.

The guys on the left are Tem's Nes and Blade's Sy, while the ones on the right are Blade's Tanner and Tem's Ryan. And yes, this is a very deliberate pairing; If you've seen their households, you'll notice that Blade's Sy and Tanner have roughly the same dynamic as Tem's Nes and Ryan, thus the mash-up

Oh, and speaking of birthdays, a belated happy birthday to you :iconkingdomblade:, and an early happy birthday to you :icontemiree: :)

EDIT: Sequel!
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