Avni ve Firengi KafirElveo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/elveo/art/Avni-ve-Firengi-Kafir-715709047Elveo

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Avni ve Firengi Kafir


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Sultan Mehmed Fatih and Prince Radu cel Frumos or Radu Dracula dressed as a a beautiful Frankish boy. In addition a wonderful poem by Avni himself:

1. Those who have seen Galata, their hearts will not be bound to paradise.
After seeing his heart-pleasing figure, they will forget about all finest cypresses.

2. I saw there a Frank, eloquent like Isa,
And whoever sees this Christ, his lips are life-giving to him.

3. You will lose your mind and the understanding of truth and faith,
Seeing this Christian, oh, Muslims, you will become infidels!

4. After drinking the wine of this messenger, they will not drink Kevser
Seeing the church where he went, they will not go to a mosque.

5. Оh Avni! So that anybody would know that he was a Frankish kafir*
Seeing the zunnar around his waist, and the crucifix on his neck.

My translation from Ottoman Turkish original verse ©Elveo.

  • Galata - a neighbourhood opposite Constantinople (today’s Istanbul) 
  • Isa - Jesus
  • Kevser  - or Kawthar the river of paradise.
  • Kafir - beautiful infidel)
  • Zunnar - symbolic belt of faith

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© 2017 - 2025 Elveo
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Indiansinner's avatar

Can u make mughal sultan akbar with kafir hindu jodha