Freelance artist.
I'm mostly active on TikTok.
[Open Commissions]: ► ► [Full info, click here.] ◄ ◄
Commission price for simple coloring and shading (or greyscale);
Headshot: 25€
Half Body: 35€
Full Body: 50€
Prices might change in the future.
Thanks for the llama badge! You make powerful Dark Fantasy arts with a thick atmosphere and powerful Gothic style, respective to the true Post-Punk & 80s feel but still with subtle touches to fit well into the 21C.
You should definitely continue to share more here, even your self portraiture hints also show promise in powerful makeup & photowork. So be it self styling or artwork, keep it up!
Thank you!
I'll definitely continue posting.
Most Welcome!
What!? No comments in three years!? This is a disgrace for all other deviants, allowing this to happen! Don't give up hope, perhaps one day someone will stop by and leave one for you. ^__^
Thank you.
I just don't think I've been active enough since I made this account, but I'm slowly becoming active again.
Well it's good to have you with us, stick around a while. ^__^ If you're into rp give me a shout as well.
I will! I actually used to draw RP in PaintChat (Manga Masters), and also played RP in games. Not so much lately.