Love this piece! Just watched you. Hope you’ll check out my gallery too!
Hi EluvianArt. I cruised your gallery and am impressed. Your work contains beautiful examples of anime.
My name is Jeani Rector, and I am editor of the established, award-winning ezine and print magazine called The Horror Zine. We are not just horror; we are mystery, suspense, surreal, and "Twilight Zone." Our Art Section covers all genres and you can see it here:
I was wondering if you would allow me to publish some of your artwork. You would receive complete credit and get a full page. There is no cost.
We publish short stories. poetry, and art. You can check us out for yourself here:
If you are interested, or would like to know more, please feel free to email me at and I thank you.
Jeani Rector, Editor
ughhh love your wow art ;w;
Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had an amazing day!
Thanks for the faves!! I apologize for the lateness of my reply, I'm trying to get my RPG finished!! I'm working on the 2nd level right now!! Check it out at
Keep up the good work!! I've got something planned for the new year, I'll let you know on my journals!!
Beautiful ARTWORKS, nice DRAWINGS, great GALLERIES!!!
Many congratulations!!!
I watching you, dear!!!
Best regards from ITALY.