Let's duel! Your turnEloAnNe on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/eloanne/art/Let-s-duel-Your-turn-785882763EloAnNe

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EloAnNe's avatar

Let's duel! Your turn



This was my first ever drawing for Inktober and one of my favorites so far u_u

In 2017 I decided to jump in the Inktober train but thinking that wouldn't have time to do it if I followed the official themes, I tried making my own list with the theme "31 days, 31 animes". But surprisingly things went the other way around and sadly I was just able to complete 19 drawings of the list. They were originally posted on tumblr, but guess I don't have the tumblr vibe anymore so left it there.

Last year I tried again, following the official prompt this time, and was able to actually finish Inktober 2018!
You can check the drawings on my Instagram Instagram Icon 

Hope you like it as much as I do! ^^
yugioh Yami thumb up 
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2029x2705px 8.91 MB
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BroccoliSSJ3's avatar
This is great, I like his expression!