Danny and Sam Phantomelleboe on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/elleboe/art/Danny-and-Sam-Phantom-142701025elleboe

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Danny and Sam Phantom



This picture was inspired by a fanfic I read.
On Danny's 18th birthday Sam turns herself into a halfghost like Danny as a sign of love. (they get married the same day)
She chooses a hairstyle different from her normal style so no one will recognize her. As she says: "No one would even think that Sam Manson would go with girly-curly hair!"

And before you ask... No, I will not post the link here since it contains adult situations.
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1000x1249px 430.73 KB
© 2009 - 2025 elleboe
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EchoSpider's avatar
I think her symbol would be a double S. Sam Spectre. Like I know once they get married they'd share the Fenton name, but Sam Phantom just doesn't sound right to me