Knell - Pg2Elkken on DeviantArt

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Knell - Pg2



stupid boy gets lost in the forest, but a friendly woodland stoner helps him out

its only page 2 and alrune has cried 3 times total, and god if that isnt me 

sorry if this page is on the blurry side, i had to resize it like 1000 times to get it to save lol 

also screw automatic capture lol .... x and y are programmed so tht your first catch in santalune is one of the elemental monkeys. which i have nothing agaisnt those lil guys but screw programmed captures!! i went with my second catch , which was a pikachu ovbiously

also our buddy chespin is in this page, but ill talk about him more later when i introduce him outside of a flashback ! Hes got a stutter lol

locations - 
Santalune forest
- The gentle light of this sundappled forest makes it a popular spot for nature walks. At night, it becomes easy to get lost due to the many different walking paths. 

Benji Martin 
Male ( he / him ) 
17 years old
Lax, likes to eat 

wb notes --
-hi yeah im gonna start doing this ( wb stands for word building fyi ! )
- SO i showed a normal pokemon, so i kind of want to go over how those work. I dont want to get into the science of gjinkas, because in this universe they just kind of exsist and theres really no science behind it. Kind of like how humans work, we're just kind of here and we have no idea why really. 
- Theres a couple of theories to why gjinkas exsist, some of them being religious, and some of them being more scientific . But, it is a known fact that gjinkas are connected, or came from feral pokemon in some way.
- Normal pokemon ( ill be referring to them as ferals ; ) ) are pretty much just animals in this universe. People eat and farm them, you'll see a furret diggin through your trash every now and then. Some ferals are more suited for being domesticated pets ( Litten, rockruff, arcanine, the starter lines, ), and some are seen as beasts that should be respected  ( mostly any dragon or physcic type, most fully evolved three stage pokes ). 

yeah alright !! hope yall enjoyed this page :3cc byee !!! oh ps a tumblr page is in the works... lol

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riverplath's avatar
thank u benji for helping this poor fox and for being a cool dude in general