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Nearly Silent Insanity
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Deviation Spotlight

  • Oct 31
  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (68)
My Bio

I'm the quiet person everyone wonders about.

Current Residence: wouldn't you like to know?
Favourite genre of music: celtic and or rock
MP3 player of choice: iPod Touch
Personal Quote: You can give a monkey a lump of gold, but he won't make a crown out of it.

Favourite Movies
Becoming Jane, Darkness, Monty Python & the Holy Grail
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
GooGoo Dolls, Celtic Soul, Breaking Benjamin, 3 Doors Down
Favourite Writers
J.R.R Tolkien, O.R. Melling, Robin McKinnly, C.S. Lewis, Jane Austen
Tools of the Trade
pencil and paper and PhotoShop Elements 7
Other Interests
art, liturature, love, the dark
Hey guys,I have had a bit of a cock up and I now need $50 or my phone gets cut off. The thing is, I don't have $50 to spare. So I'm going to open up commissions.Here's how it's going to work:For a black and white it will be $5 with a dollar added for each additional person.For lined art with color it will be $10 with a dollar added for each additional person.For full color it will be $15 with a dollar added for each person.I'll draw just about anything you want.  I just need the cash guys. I'm whoring myself out online for $50. Please help guys, this is serious. I have to have my phone.:blackrose:M
anonymous's avatar
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So, my platonic life mate - :iconkitami-kiyoshi: - created these questions, and as I am incapable of denying her anything, I'm answering them.1. What can you smell right now? My perfume and the smell my flat iron makes when he heats up. 2. write a short poem about the person you are currently in love with. (*sigh* I can't write poetry for shit)In the quiet dark I lie awake, Staring at the wall. Your breath upon my neck, The heat between our bodies, And the Empty, Aching Want, Inside my chest Will not let me sleep. I intertwine our fingers, Where they rest over my heart. You murmur in your sleep, Barely moving lips, Fan fire across my skin....
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So, :iconTsukikowerewolf: tagged me.Rules:1.You must post these rules. 2.Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal. 3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer. 4.You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal. 5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her. 6.No tag backs. 7.No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people1. Do you know what time it is? HAMMER TIME! 2. Do you know the muffin ...
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Elf5's avatar
TFTrisy's avatar
You're welcome :)
Haruka--chan's avatar
Happy early Birthday, Maeve!!!!

I feel like such a doh-doh brain for losing touch with you!!! The last few years of college were brutal!

But yeah, just wanted to wish you a Happy early Birthday and say hi. We should note again! I really miss that! ^___^

So, how've you been?
Elf5's avatar
Thanks, darling! When did 25 years go by?! Its so funny, I was actually thinking about you not long ago. I don't spend much time on DA these days. And I totally understand - I didn't really keep up my end either. Life has just been super complicated. I'm living in another state, working two jobs and generally just this side of overwhelmed. But mostly, I'm doing alright. How are you?
Haruka--chan's avatar
You're welcome, m'dear!

I'm glad to hear you're doing okay! Working 2 jobs is tough!!! I might be in that situation soon... >.>

I'm hangin' in there. I had jaw surgery on August 26th, and I'm STILL recovering! It's a long process. So I've been on medical leave and not in school (I already got a Bachelor's, but I probably won't be going that route anymore). So I might go back to school to get a second Bachelor's (but this time B.F.A. instead of B.A.) in illustration. I can't think of anything else I want to do other than art... It just feels like an awkward transitional point in my life lol.
Elf5's avatar
It's not easy, but it pays the bills. Considering I totaled my car two weeks ago, the extra cash is a godsend.

I know what you mean. There are just not "real jobs" for people like us these days. I want to go back to school, but I can't afford it. So I'm looking to get certified as a teacher. It isn't my dream job, but its a good job, and one i know I can do. I wish I could write for a living, but I'm not going to bank on that!