Father and DaughterElegiacMarquise on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/elegiacmarquise/art/Father-and-Daughter-1063683356ElegiacMarquise

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ElegiacMarquise's avatar

Father and Daughter

Character  Princess ZeldaCharacter  King RhoamLocation  Hyrule Castle


Greetings, how're you doing? Hope fine!

Personally I'm start to feel better ever since February: I spent most of my time studying for both the exams and about drawing. In facts, I spent all of last month practicing some subjects I feel I still have much to learn about, such as muscled people, fat ones as well as my beloathed feet. I'm also experimenting with colors: despite I still love pastels with all of my heart, I wanted to try some darker tones and lighting techniques too.

This is a picture which idea which sat in my sketchbook since 2021, I think, so I'm happy to finally draw and complete it.

It feels weird yet nice to draw King Rhoam after all this time, while I was doing this picture I couldn't not think about the very first picture I uploaded in this account... time goes fast, I hope to have improved at least a bit since then.

It's also always a pleasure to draw Princess Zelda in her royal gown, she looks so gorgeous in it, one of my favorite outfits in the entire series and I also liked her struggles in both Breath of the Wild and Age of Calmity! I must draw her in her Zonai outfit too, since it's gorgeous as well. In general, I must also draw Rauru and Sonia from Tears of the Kingdom, I love them despite I feel they should have been explored more.
I still love Rhoam more because he was such a morally complex character, he's still among my favourites in all of Zelda Series.

I had quite a few problems while drawing this picture, mostly residing on color applications and Rhoam's proportions, which I'm still unsatisfied with, but overall I like this picture, especially its symbolic meaning.

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2480x3508px 12.38 MB
© 2024 - 2025 ElegiacMarquise
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