Dreamcore - Nexus/Central Hub ConceptElectricSakura16 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/electricsakura16/art/Dreamcore-Nexus-Central-Hub-Concept-1122736166ElectricSakura16

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Dreamcore - Nexus/Central Hub Concept



Here is what the Nexus/Central Hub looked like in my Yume Nikki fangame concept, Dreamcore.

Each doors have symbols and their own worlds like any "Traditional Yume Nikki Fangames" They're all based on retrospective Aesthetics, with the background based off of both Weirdcore and Dreamcore respectively. The Nexus itself is located in a Wonderland-like Dream World called "Dreamland", a world for Dreamers and those who have "Dream Diary Syndrome" alike.

Pink Heart: Pastel/Kawaiicore World - The First door to enter is a cutesy-themed world based on the Pastelcore aesthetic and themes of Kawaiicore, Yume Kawaii, Sanriocore, and other cute-themed Aesthetics.

Blue Spade: Vaporwave/Synth World - The second door is a world inspired off the famous Vaporwave and Synthwave aesthetic with subgenres like Future Funk,, Mallsoft, Late Night Lo-Fi, Sovietwave, and other Aesthetics that take you back into the 80s/90s Nostalgia

Green Clover: Frutiger Aero World - The third door takes inspiration from the Frutiger Aero Aesthetics, just like the fitting aesthetics, it's full of Skeuomorphism, glossy textures, cloudy skies, tropical fish, water, bubbles, glass, and more. And it's not just Frutiger Aero, it's also Frutiger Eco, Helvetica Aqua Aero, Frutiger Aurora, etc.

Yellow Diamond: Y2K/Futurism World - The fourth one is the world of Y2K and its aesthetics, Futurism, Gen X Soft Club, Vectorheart, Metalheart, Chromecore, and more to go back into the late 90s and the early 2000s.

Rainbow Star: Scene/Emo World - Feeling like a Scene again? Then this fifth one takes inspiration by the Scene Kid, Scenecore, Emo, Punk, Raver, and Rainbowcore aesthetics (hence why the symbol is a literal Rainbow Star on the door). This world pays tribute to the knowm music and media popular in Scene and Emo culture.

Purple Moon: Goth/Xpiritualism World - The sixth one takes you to a world of Goth and Xpiritualism, it's seemingly dark and it features other aesthetics that are related to Goth (Cybergoth, Welwitschia Goth, Gothic Lolita, Dark Fantasy, Catholic Horror etc.) and Xpiritualism.

White Sparkle(?): ??? - This is the seventh and final door which you have to collect all the gemstone keys and effects. This is the similar door to the final door from Yume Nikki 3D, you have to use all the gems to unlock a pathway to reach the ending. This is obtaintable after you completed everything.

The regular door would take you to the Dream version of your room just like some other Traditional fangames.

Dreamcore (Concept) belongs to ElectricSakura16 (Me!)

Yume Nikki belongs to Kikiyama

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Madisonpuf100's avatar

Question: What kind if theme DOES the white door have exactly?