Fire Emblem AzuraEldervi on DeviantArt

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Eldervi's avatar

Fire Emblem Azura

Character  Azura


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:bulletblue: working process :bulletblue:

 Just in time. Happy Chinese New Year! =D As promised the winner of my latest poll. So... this was rough. And I don't even know why xD I took so long finishing this picture I feel like a whole year has passed in the meantime @_@ This was the longest amount of time I worked on a face, as I just couldn't be satisfied with what I had accomplished, every night I worked on the pic I tweaked it slightly just to revert what I had done the next night as something else was bugging me xD The pose is not extraordinary, still I had to redo it 3 times till I was satisfied only to notice after I had finished the body, that the clothes didn't fit and she looked like a stranded whale @_@ So... I changed it again... then... this horse... why do people find those totally messed up proportions appealing again? xD I get that they look kinda graceful from far, as in war pictures or from the distance of a satellite, but close? Those things are so huge... half of Azuras messed up body fits into his mouth |D I don't know. I think I am pleased with the outcome... somehow. But this was a total mess, and to all of you other pegasus girls out there in the fire emblem universe. Accept that I will skip you for eternity |D

:bulletred: UPDATE :bulletred:

 Now that my keychains arrived I decided to add some very nice fan packages to my Etsy-Shop :) Azura's Face was kinda always bugging me, but I couldn't really say why. Once I prepared the image for the package and had the print laying in front of me, distorted because of the angle, her head suddenly looked completely alien to me xD I literally couldn't live with it anymore, so I tried my best to fix what I could ^-^ For those, who are interested, you can see the new fan package here 

:bulletorange: available as :bulletorange:

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Fire Emblem Azura - Nude Shot by Eldervi

:bulletblack: high quality print :bulletblack:

Fire Emblem Heroes Takumi by Eldervi  Fire Emblem Heroes Olivia by Eldervi  Fire Emblem Awakening Chrom by Eldervi  Fire Emblem Eliwood x Ninian by Eldervi 
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© 2018 - 2025 Eldervi
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