MerMay #22 - Saligia VII: AcediaEjderha-Arts on DeviantArt

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MerMay #22 - Saligia VII: Acedia



It's #mermay!!! :merla: 

The fifth in the 7-part series prompt: Seven Deadly Sins, or as I would like to rename it: Saligia.
It’s an acronym for the Latin names: superbia, avaritia, luxuria, invidia, gula, ira, and acedia, and the medieval Latin verb saligiare means "to commit a deadly sin".
(My prompt list:…)

This is Acedia (sloth), laziness, indolence, apathy, a wasting of potential due to an unwillingness to apply oneself. The evil of "Sloth" finds expression in a lack of any feeling for the world, for the people in it, or for the self. Unlike the other capital sins, which are sins of committing immorality, sloth is a sin of omitting responsibilities. It may arise from any of the other capital vices.

The common symbols are for example an obese figure riding a donkey, or a pig and ox, all (unjustly) regarded as slothful by nature.
But a mermaid on a donkey, however original, does not feel "realistic" in my opinion.
So I decided to get my inspiration from Joe Jackson's wonderful 1997 album Heaven & Hell, his musical interpretation of the Seven Deadly Sins. I just love "Passacaglia / A Bud and a Slice", a very slow, almost lagging piece of music which great lyrics about a man and his complete lack of empathy, sung by Brad Roberts with his uncanny low voice.
And because it's the song that keeps playing in my head today after finishing this sinful mermaid I'm sharing it here with you: Jammin' 

I also borrowed some imagery from my previous MerMay drawing .

Other symbols representing this mortal sin are the colour blue, the flower candytuft ("indifference" in flower language) and the demon associated with "Sloth" is Belphegor. 
Fun fact about this demon: he is a one of the seven princes of Hell who helps people make discoveries. He seduces people by suggesting to them ingenious inventions that will make them rich. The palindromic prime number 1000000000000066600000000000001 is known as Belphegor's Prime, due to the significance of containing the number 666, on both sides enclosed by thirteen zeroes and a one.

When I searched for symbols to depict the sins with their corresponding demons I found these round symbols: Credit to Omer Ben David ( )
For those who are curious what the punishment in Hell would be: You'll be thrown into snake pits. Cute Snake Icon 

Sweetskull Glow Day88 - Scapegoat Animal Emote: Snail  Seven Deadly Sins :: Sloth 

A5 paper (180 g/m2)
Staedtler pigment liners

(Time: 5:53Animal Emote: Snail)

Image size
3484x4948px 3.05 MB
HP pstc5100
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EVAUnit4A's avatar
Mnn.  Without reading what you said about it, she has more of a satisfied "job well-done" expression, or an "Ugh, I'm glad THAT one's over... stupid humans" expression.  I'm not really seeing a "sloth" action here, because of the scene.