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Wee! I FINALLY drew something -Checks if the sky is not falling!!!-
And thx to Timothy Pincushion for finding the name of the beastie (and that they could fly)!
Anfisbena is a beast originary from the Northen lands, that is shaped like a 2 headed Snake. This is the "short" description you can find to this creature, but the real description about this fascinating creature is much more comples. First of all, Anfisbena has close to none relation to snakes, it´s actually more related to the oriental dragons, altough, unlike, you will never see an Anfisbena flying unless his life is seriously treathened, this can be accomplished, as the case of Oriental dragons, with an extremely light (but still strong) body, normally covered with sponge-like scales, and inside this body, parallel to the respiratory system, multiple vesicles, usually placed in every space possible filled with "floating" gas (it´s still unknown how they actually produce this gas so fast). But, unlike Oriental Dragons (and more like the Obsidian dragons), they don´t use magic at all to control the flow or to aid the flight, they just use the initial impulse and savagely contort their bodies to produce a flight (altough the Obsidian Dragons use a much more reliable version of this system).
Also, another oddity of this species, is that they´re always paired, a Male with a Female. This proves to be not only beneficial in terms of the preservation of the specie (hehehe), also, when one of the heads sleeps, the other remains active, and what´s truly amazing is that the active head can control the body of the inactive! At the beginning of our studies we tought than they used some sort of mind control, but after some physical research we found some sort of "nervous linking" system...this system consists in -literally- hundred of thousand of small trigger-able filaments, which, when they trigger, produce an reflex-like action in the other body. Apparently (and confirmed to a certain exent after observing their movement), most of this filaments act somewhat act like copycating the "active" body, while others of these filaments seem to be used to specific moves. But, how does it work exactly remains as a mystery for us. Also, we found that they´re VERY hard to separate, each time that a female & male merge themselves, they´ll emit through some pores on the "merge" area a very powerful glue.
Having explained the most important points, we can also add that each of the head have 4 small poisonous fangs, apparently not used for piercing trough the prey´s skin and inyectate the poison, they´re only used to secretate poison and contaminate a wound. Also, the female has multiple hollow scales around her neck, that when shaked and crashed against each other, produces a fairly distinctive sound.
Finally, altough their size is fairly intimidating (around 15 feet), there never had been a report of nothing larger than a dog being attacked by them. Anyways, they have bad fame, since altough they don´t look like the "silent creature of the forest", most of the scales and "horns", aren´t solid at all, they´re actually "loose", but kinda thick skin filled with blood vessels (? mmm...como es vaso sanguineo en ingles???), so, when the blood is drawn from them, they become flaccid, and thus, not noisy at all, now think of that thing popping out of nowhere with no-previous warning.
Oddly enough, in other cultures they´re considered as symbols of loyalty, fidelity or friendship. This is due the fact, than when endangered, each of the head cover and protect each other, and if one of the heads dies, the other dies shortly after, apparently of sadness (awww!!! )
Uff...i know that´s full of grammar mistakes, forgive me! I´m fallin asleep >< . Later on i´ll correct it!
Also, i know that the description has some double-way phrases (specially the merge "zone")´s was not my original intention! I´m a good boy -^^-.
And thx to Timothy Pincushion for finding the name of the beastie (and that they could fly)!
Anfisbena is a beast originary from the Northen lands, that is shaped like a 2 headed Snake. This is the "short" description you can find to this creature, but the real description about this fascinating creature is much more comples. First of all, Anfisbena has close to none relation to snakes, it´s actually more related to the oriental dragons, altough, unlike, you will never see an Anfisbena flying unless his life is seriously treathened, this can be accomplished, as the case of Oriental dragons, with an extremely light (but still strong) body, normally covered with sponge-like scales, and inside this body, parallel to the respiratory system, multiple vesicles, usually placed in every space possible filled with "floating" gas (it´s still unknown how they actually produce this gas so fast). But, unlike Oriental Dragons (and more like the Obsidian dragons), they don´t use magic at all to control the flow or to aid the flight, they just use the initial impulse and savagely contort their bodies to produce a flight (altough the Obsidian Dragons use a much more reliable version of this system).
Also, another oddity of this species, is that they´re always paired, a Male with a Female. This proves to be not only beneficial in terms of the preservation of the specie (hehehe), also, when one of the heads sleeps, the other remains active, and what´s truly amazing is that the active head can control the body of the inactive! At the beginning of our studies we tought than they used some sort of mind control, but after some physical research we found some sort of "nervous linking" system...this system consists in -literally- hundred of thousand of small trigger-able filaments, which, when they trigger, produce an reflex-like action in the other body. Apparently (and confirmed to a certain exent after observing their movement), most of this filaments act somewhat act like copycating the "active" body, while others of these filaments seem to be used to specific moves. But, how does it work exactly remains as a mystery for us. Also, we found that they´re VERY hard to separate, each time that a female & male merge themselves, they´ll emit through some pores on the "merge" area a very powerful glue.
Having explained the most important points, we can also add that each of the head have 4 small poisonous fangs, apparently not used for piercing trough the prey´s skin and inyectate the poison, they´re only used to secretate poison and contaminate a wound. Also, the female has multiple hollow scales around her neck, that when shaked and crashed against each other, produces a fairly distinctive sound.
Finally, altough their size is fairly intimidating (around 15 feet), there never had been a report of nothing larger than a dog being attacked by them. Anyways, they have bad fame, since altough they don´t look like the "silent creature of the forest", most of the scales and "horns", aren´t solid at all, they´re actually "loose", but kinda thick skin filled with blood vessels (? mmm...como es vaso sanguineo en ingles???), so, when the blood is drawn from them, they become flaccid, and thus, not noisy at all, now think of that thing popping out of nowhere with no-previous warning.
Oddly enough, in other cultures they´re considered as symbols of loyalty, fidelity or friendship. This is due the fact, than when endangered, each of the head cover and protect each other, and if one of the heads dies, the other dies shortly after, apparently of sadness (awww!!! )
Uff...i know that´s full of grammar mistakes, forgive me! I´m fallin asleep >< . Later on i´ll correct it!
Also, i know that the description has some double-way phrases (specially the merge "zone")´s was not my original intention! I´m a good boy -^^-.
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629x547px 34.98 KB
© 2004 - 2025 eiferet
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you are sssssssssssoooooo
AMAZING did you come up with this stuff your self? i envy your skills the way you shade, put texture in and can lare things is phanominal! i love the dragons and pokemon and you aqnd me draw almost the sames type of things (i'e not put any of my own stuff on yet but even if i did, it wuold cry in a corner at the site of your art), did you teach your self? if so i wouldn't mind a few tips on how to become so MASTERFULL OF THE MEDIUMS, checkj out my deviant ive put al your amazing art on but i take no credit! please leave a message on my deviant i would like to chat.
AMAZING did you come up with this stuff your self? i envy your skills the way you shade, put texture in and can lare things is phanominal! i love the dragons and pokemon and you aqnd me draw almost the sames type of things (i'e not put any of my own stuff on yet but even if i did, it wuold cry in a corner at the site of your art), did you teach your self? if so i wouldn't mind a few tips on how to become so MASTERFULL OF THE MEDIUMS, checkj out my deviant ive put al your amazing art on but i take no credit! please leave a message on my deviant i would like to chat.