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Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • Feb 9
  • Canada
  • Deviant for 13 years
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (241)
Half-Moon Cake: Half-Werewolves love it (3)
Emerald: It's a great honor to be awarded an Emerald badge! (1)
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (1)
Gold Coin 2023: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
My Bio

Hmmm... classically trained artist who has been a corporate zombie for so long it is starting to rot my soul.

Thank god for video games.

Been all over the world, but always love coming home.

Spend my days programming and managing websites, nights I hold off the old ball 'n chain so I can write, draw... or game, depending on the weather.

Favourite Games
Other than Mass Effect? Fallout - ONE.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Meh, I'm not picky
Tools of the Trade
My hands.
Decided to speak into the void. I haven't logged in for a few years now. Not sure if there is anyone still out there. I see I have a lot of notes I have not read. Apologies for anyone wondering what happened to me. Just life, work, the new normal - all that sort of stuff. I am trying to work myself up to posting some stuff I have been doing, on here, and on my tumblr. Should use my insta as well, but it seems hard to make the time. I have been participating in local shows and studio tours, and doing commission work for folks a little closer to home. I have a stack of old Mass Effect drawings I thought I might post, or at least put up on my etsy store. They deserve a better home than the one I am giving them. Anyway, I miss all my old friends on here. So much great art, live streams, late nights gaming and hypothesizing about upcoming games. Hope everyone is finding solid ground beneath their feet.
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I have to say, I'm really enjoying the game.I was a little distracted by the mouths at first, and I had one character disappear, but that is something that has happened in every game I have ever played. And yes, my sisRyder looks like a boy who fell into a box of hammers and then put on a bad wig. BUT. I'm still having a lot of fun. Those of you who know me, know that I'm pretty laid back and easy going... at least I think I am? Moment of self-doubt lol. Anyway, small glitchy things in games aren't really a deal breaker for me.It's always difficult when you start to compete with yourself. When I was in school I painted something that peopl...
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Well here I am breaking radio silence.Andromeda is getting closer and closer to release. You guys excited? Am I excited? Yes. Yes, I think so. I think this is excitement? Probably a few other emotions tossed in there as well. Don't worry, there are no real spoilers in this post because, unlike with the release of ME3 when I was tits deep in sticky sweet glorious rumours and factoids, I am trying to keep mostly free of that this time around.But I gotta say. What about my male turian squad-mate? If there's no Garrus replacement, it's going to be like having my dog die and someone giving me a pet budgie as a replacement. Birds are nice, but t...
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GuyverMasterOmega's avatar
GuyverMasterOmega's avatar
FRIEND711's avatar
Happy late birthday!
Xenophile10's avatar
Happy Birthday! :cake::party:
efleck's avatar
Xenophile10's avatar
You're welcome! :D
Paganfox's avatar
Apparently we share a birthday! Happy Birthday birthday twin!