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And back to Katherine/Quatrine simply because she is the character that mystifies me the most in this story. Well, the whole story is already pretty strange... I know her entire story arc so far has pretty much been Quatre's from the original series (Cut & Paste!), but's she's stranger and has a lot of ungrounded "theories" about herself. "I don't have any friends because I'm a clone", she did, for a long time, until said friend turned out to be a douchebag herself. "I can't be loved because I'm an artificial life (just like Quatre)", she was, by Iria who loved her enough to raise her and she seems to have two guys who are pretty interested in her. "I'm an abomination so I mustn't look at the world with my own eyes, it'd be a crime against god!"
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Y'know, putting aside how everyone else doesn't make any sense either, Phobos actually bothers me most. Not sure why. It's just... I guess how they're not even TRYING...? They pull BS out for everyone else, the thinnest of threads, but with Phobos it's just 'whatever, it happened, keep moving' clone Trowa but not Trowa and musician and orphan and Barton for some reason, just look away