i am a multimedia aspiring artist.
i've been drawing since 2000 but only have i recently gained any skills.
i have a twin brother that loves to beat me up
i'm currently single, but have my eyes on someone
i have an obsession over pencils. i have 700+ of them in dozens of different brands.
i'm capable of doing anything art, but i do somethings better than others.
i'm generally popular around my area (you have no idea how much i dig that XD)
i've created many tattoos that people actually have.
i make professional jewelry, i just don't post it on here.
i listen to almost every type of music.
if you have anything you wanna know, just ask :]
Current Residence: your pants ;D
Favourite genre of music: everything
Favourite style of art: Fantasy
Operating System: windows XP
MP3 player of choice: iPod 30 GB
Shell of choice: turtle!
Wallpaper of choice: something black and red
Skin of choice: ummm...white???
Favourite cartoon character: donald duck
Personal Quote: the fast lane; its not the left lane, not the right lane, and its definately not the lane your in